It’s the St. Moninne Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s way of dusting off our oldies-but-goodies. The views expressed aren’t necessarily SEA’s; neither are K.W. Leslie’s brief summaries. Still, there’s interesting and useful stuff…

It’s the St. Moninne Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s way of dusting off our oldies-but-goodies. The views expressed aren’t necessarily SEA’s; neither are K.W. Leslie’s brief summaries. Still, there’s interesting and useful stuff…
It’s the Sts. Peter and Paul Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly Wayback Machine for SEA’s previous articles. The views expressed therein aren’t necessarily those of SEA and its members; we provide them…
It’s the St. Nicetas of Remesiana Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly reminder that there’s such a thing as a Friday Files: “Oh! Links to SEA posts from years ago. That’s kinda nice.…
It’s the St. Vitus’s Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly reminder that SEA has been posting stuff for years, and you haven’t read all of it. Unless you have, in which case it’s…
It’s the St. Melania the Elder Day edition of the Friday Files. Today we look back at previous SEA posts. I know; we do that every time we do the Friday Files. But today’s different!…
It’s the St. Justin Martyr Day edition of the Friday Files, when we look back at previous SEA posts and think, “Wait, we posted that five years ago? I can’t believe it’s been five years…
It’s the St. Bede the Venerable Day edition of the Friday Files, when once again we dig through previous SEA posts and say, “Hey, this one’s not bad.” The views expressed in ’em (and in…
It’s the St. Venantius of Camerino Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly trip down SEA memory lane. The views expressed therein (and K.W. Leslie’s brief summaries) aren’t necessarily reflective of SEA’s official views,…
It’s the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly rundown of old SEA posts which still have a little life in ’em. The views expressed in them (and K.W. Leslie’s…
It’s the Star Wars Day edition of the Friday Files. What, no saint to mark the day? Well, I could’ve brought up St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine, but y’all know you love the movies.…
It’s the St. Liberalis edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly review of some of the stuff we once posted on the site, ’cause you may not have read it before, or wouldn’t mind seeing…
It’s the St. Theotimos edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly slice of nostalgia: We go over some of the older postings on the website, and sometimes point you to some of the current goings-on…
It’s the St. Hermenegild edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly stack of articles from the SEA archives. Or as the case this week, a lot of videos. The views expressed therein aren’t necessarily those…
It’s the St. Eutychius edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly grab-bag of articles from the SEA archives, and relevant recent articles regarding Arminian/Calvinist issues. SEA member names are highlighted in blue. The views expressed…
It’s the Good Friday edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly rundown of stuff from the SEA archives, and relevant recent articles on Arminian/Calvinist issues. Inclusion on this page doesn’t guarantee SEA’s endorsement, no matter…
It’s the St. Gwinear’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly rundown of stuff from the SEA archives, and relevant recent articles on Arminian/Calvinist issues. Inclusion on this page absoutely does not guarantee SEA’s…
It’s St. Abbán moccu Corbmaic’s Day, although more people are probably gonna focus on another Ireland-related saint, along with the many, many violations of the Lenten season which irreligious people plan to commit in Pádraig’s…
It’s the St. Cyril of Alexandria Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus recent articles round the blogosphere of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues. Names in green…
It’s the St. Chad’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus recent articles round the blogosphere of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues. Names in green indicate our…
Once again it’s time for the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly roundup of older posts, plus articles found round the blogosphere thought to be of interest to those interested in Arminian/Calvinist issues. And since it’s St.…