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Creeds: An Imperative by Scot McKnight

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Some pastors, preachers, professors, and parishioners will announce they have “no creed but the Bible.” Last year’s very substantive discussion/debate about the sub-orthodoxy of eternal subordinationists, like Wayne Grudem, Bruce Ware, Owen Strachan and others,…

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The Friday Files

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The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…

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Marks of the Loss of First Love

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“Uncle Buddy” Robinson was a popular evangelist in the early Church of the Nazarene. He claimed to have preached 32,176 sermons and won 200,000 converts. His preaching style was known for it’s simplicity, yet is…

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The Arminian Conundrum

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John Owen, seventeenth-century Calvinist theologian who insists that Arminians are “tares in the field” of God’s kingdom, emissaries and mouthpieces of Satan, who “by their words, which are smoother than oil, [an individual can] taste…

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