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Vic Reasoner, “Gliding With Grider”

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The most recent attempt to state the Wesleyan interpretation of theology is found in Kenneth Grider’s A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology (Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 1994). Among Grider’s positive contributions: 1. He interprets “the old man” as…

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Richard Coords, “Calvinism”

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The term “Calvinism” is based upon the systematic soteriology of a man named John Calvin. (1509-1564) Ironically, though, he attributes his theology from another man named Augustine. (354-430) John Calvin: “Further, Augustine is so much…

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Elmer Long, “Pentecost”

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In order to answer some charges that are leveled against us concerning the disciples and Pentecost, we herein give a brief account of our position, one we believe to be true to the Bible. It…

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Roy Ingle, “Christmas & Missions”

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‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon…

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Friday Files!

Friday Files, 29 May 2020

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The Friday Files is SEA’s weekly look back at our archives. Our members’ names are in blue. Not everything in them reflects SEA’s positions (including my summaries), but they’re considered of interest to Arminians. From…

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Friday Files, 15 November 2019

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It’s the Sts. Francis Asbury and George Whitefield Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly bulldoze through the tel that is our archives. The views expressed in the links and stories aren’t always those…

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Friday Files, 18 October 2019

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It’s the St. Luke’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly review of the links and articles SEA posted long, long ago. Well, a year ago, five years ago, and 10 years ago, so……

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Friday Files, 1 February 2019

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We seldom post anything on the weekend, so if you want reading material you’re gonna have to settle for a bunch of old stuff. But if you’ve never read it before, it’s new to you!

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X-Calvinist Corner

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This page shares testimonies of people who have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology (these can be seen below).  If you were once a Calvinist and have left Calvinism, please share your story with…

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Friday Files, 14 December 2018

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It’s the St. Spyridon’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly reexamination of our archive. The views expressed in the articles are those of their authors, and frequently SEA. Our members’ names are highlighted…

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Friday Files, 30 November 2018

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It’s the St. Andrew’s Day edition of the Friday Files, your peek into the vast archive of Arminian-related articles posted and linked to on the SEA website. The views expressed in ’em are those of…

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Friday Files, 9 November 2018

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It’s the St. Benignus of Armagh’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly reminder that SEA’s archives have a lot of good stuff in ’em. Views expressed in the articles are sometimes that of…

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Friday Files, 27 July 2018

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It’s the Sts. Maurus, Pantalemon, and Sergius Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly flashback series. The views expressed in the previously-posted articles aren’t necessary those of SEA, but are of interest to Arminians…

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