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God and Foresight

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Bombastic Calvinist James White thinks that the deterministic-Calvinistic view of the sovereignty of God is “the single issue that separates the supernatural religion of Christianity from the man-centered religions that surround us.”1 James White, who…

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The Loss of Arminius to the Remonstrants

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One of the most frustrating aspects for the followers1 of Jacob Arminius’ teachings on God’s nature, character, salvation — including grace, election unto salvation, justification and conditional perseverance with an accompanying final or ultimate salvation…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Micah Joseph, of Yield to God, presents: “Determinism (Part One) — Rejected by Early Church Consensus,” and “Determinism (Part Two) — Rejected by Scripture.” Simon Kittle posts: “Lucas on Grace and Freedom.” Steve Sewell, of…

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In Calvinism, God Is the Problem of Evil

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John Piper argues that, when kings are “in their God-appointed place, with or without Satan’s agency, they are in the sway of God’s sovereign will.”1 He quotes Daniel 2:20-21; 4:17, and Proverbs 21:1, failing to…

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Why Calvinists Should Advance Arminius

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Arminianism, as with the overall theology of the early Church fathers, will never die. Calvinism experiences ebb and flow in popularity but Arminianism and other non-Calvinistic theological systems remain constant. I argue, though, that Calvinists…

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The Cause of God and Presuppositions: Irenæus

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English Baptist and theological hyper-Calvinist John Gill (1697-1771), in his work, The Cause of God and Truth, is found guilty of not only committing numerous logical fallacies regarding the writings of the early Church fathers…

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Reformed Arminianism: Oxymoron or Historically Orthodox?

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Someone asked whether one should refer to classical Arminianism as Reformed Arminianism (some prefer Reformation Arminianism). Arminian Baptist James Leonard commented to me personally that his hope is that people will not think that we…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Pastor Steven L. Winters, of Thunder Sounds, posts: “Worship as an Expression of Faith.” Craig L. Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, asks: “Is Belief in God Meritorious?“ Dr. Roger Olson offers the following essay that refutes…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Gene Brode, of The Grace Apparatus, is working through a series to be published in book form: “Essential Meditations for Backsliders.” Pastor Steven L. Winters, of Thunder Sounds, presents: “A Moment in the Mind of…

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Life after Arminius: The Arminians and Dordt

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After the death of Arminius, anti-Arminian Calvinists become emboldened, which merely attests to the place of prominence granted Arminius within his own lifetime: with Arminius still alive, the anti-Arminians find lording their doctrines over the…

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