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Friday Files, 15 June 2018

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It’s the St. Vitus’s Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly reminder that SEA has been posting stuff for years, and you haven’t read all of it. Unless you have, in which case it’s…

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Friday Files, 8 June 2018

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It’s the St. Melania the Elder Day edition of the Friday Files. Today we look back at previous SEA posts. I know; we do that every time we do the Friday Files. But today’s different!…

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FWS Podcast: The Trinity

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In these episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss the doctrine of the Trinity. Alternative Link: The Trinity (Part 1) Alternative Link: The Trinity (Part 2)    

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Friday Files, 1 June 2018

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It’s the St. Justin Martyr Day edition of the Friday Files, when we look back at previous SEA posts and think, “Wait, we posted that five years ago? I can’t believe it’s been five years…

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Friday Files, 25 May 2018

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It’s the St. Bede the Venerable Day edition of the Friday Files, when once again we dig through previous SEA posts and say, “Hey, this one’s not bad.” The views expressed in ’em (and in…

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