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Video: “DFK Symposium Prevenient Grace”

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YouTube: Here is the description from The Francis Asbury Society’s Facebook post: The Dennis F. Kinlaw Symposium on Prevenient Grace: Dr. Brian Shelton will share about his book “Prevenient Grace God’s Provision for Fallen…

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The 5th point of Arminianism: Sola Scriptura?

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[This post first appeared at] “Arminius was remembered as a professor who directed his students primarily to Scripture. Scripture, and Scripture alone, is finally authoritative as a source of theology. … his ultimate responsibility…

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Video: “What’s an Arminian?”

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From the description: In this video we look at John Wesley’s 1770 tract, “What is an Arminian?”, to conclude that an Arminian is a Christian who: – Affirms the doctrines of original sin & total…

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