Hearty thanks go to publishers Wipf & Stock for re-publishing theologian Emil Brunner’s three volume Dogmatics which was originally published in English by Lutterworth Press in England and subsequently by Westminster Press in America. At…
Sovereignty of God
Charles Edward White, “John Calvin’s Five-point Misunderstanding of Romans 9: An Intertextual Analysis”
Please click on the attachment to view Charles Edward White, “John Calvin’s five-point misunderstanding of Romans 9: An Intertextual Analysis,” Wesleyan Theological Journal 41 (Fall 2006) 28-50.
Ron Callaway, “The Omniscience of God and Open Theism”
Please click on the link to view Ron Callaway, “The Omniscience of God and Open Theism” Integrity 3 (2006) 111-139.
Roger Olson, “Is There a Difference between ‘Permitting Evil’ and ‘Doing Evil?’”
They may make strange bedfellows but on one issue some Calvinists, many atheists, and most process theologians agree: there is no real difference between “doing evil” and “permitting evil.” For them, the traditional claim of…
God, Pharaoh, and God’s Sovereignty in Romans 9
In Udo Middelmann’s The Innocence of God, he grants us biblical evidence advocating the truth that God is innocent of the tragedies and evil experienced by and among fallen human beings. God has neither decreed…
James Anderson, “Libertarian Calvinism?” and “Libertarian Reformed Baptists?”
Calvinism’s standard position is exhaustive divine determinism, that God unconditionally decreed all things, including sin and evil, every sin, every evil act, every thought, motive, desire, mood, decision, everything. One standard criticism of Calvinism is…
Tim Keller and D.A. Carson: Prime Examples of the Gumby Theology of Calvinism
Gumby—a green clay humanoid character that can twist and turn to get out of every predicament. A great toy it makes; a great theologian it does not. There is no greater theological imperative today then…
Essay in a Book Edited by John Piper Claims that God Brings About the Sexual Abuse of Children
In a book edited by John Piper, Calvinist philosopher Mark R. Talbot writes: God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn…
Austin Fischer, “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful”
“They’re not going to embrace your theology unless it makes their hearts sing.”[1] -John Piper One of the more persistent myths regarding art (broadly defined) is that the artist understands what he or she…
Did God Fix the Outcome of the Seahawks/Packers Game?
The Seattle Seahawks have been in the news recently because of their improbable last minute win over the Green Bay Packers. With four minutes left in the game, the Packers had a 99.9% statistical chance…
Mike Barlotta – Ordaining All that Comes to Pass
The Westminster Confession was drafted in 1646 and is one of the Reformed creeds of faith. In this confession (chapter III section 1) it reads: God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and…
Michael Patton, “12 Myths About Arminianism”
C. Michael Patton runs a rather unique ministry in Oklahoma. He runs Reclaiming the Mind Ministries which includes such diverse offerings as a theological coffee house (Credo House), in-depth DVD courses taught by renowned scholars…
Robert E. Picirilli, “Toward a Non-Deterministic Theology of Divine Providence”
Robert E. Picirilli, “Toward a Non-Deterministic Theology of Divine Providence,” Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry (Spring 2014) Volume 11.1, 38-61. (The original article and the entire journal issue in which it appeared may be found here.)…
Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism* Part Three”
This is Part Three of my series of review essays of Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology and deals with Chapter 3 : “Libertarian Calvinism.” I invite those reading the book with…
Steve Sewell, “God’s Plan of Election (Commentary on Romans 9 – Part Two)”
Scripture quotations are from the English Majority Text Version (EMTV) unless noted otherwise. Does God Harden Hearts? (Still addressing verses 17 and 18): 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose…
Adam Omelianchuk, “Two Wills, Yes; A Will to Damn, No: A Response to Piper”
I’ve been reading Piper’s Are There Two Wills in God?; here’s a way of thinking about the issues. Consider the following argument: If the doctrine of Unconditional Election is true, then God prefers that not all…
1 Corinthians 10:13 Teaches Libertarian Free Will
1 Corinthians 10:13 states: No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the…
Roger Olson, “Can a Single Act Be Both Determined and Free?”
Some Calvinists (and perhaps others) argue that, in a world ruled by God, the God of the Bible, a single creaturely act can be both determined (pre-programmed by God) and free. And they claim that…
God’s Exploitation of the Devil’s “Thorns”
God’s sovereignty should never be seen as unilaterally determining or decreeing the evil actions or intentions of free agents (human or demonic) before the foundation of the world. Rather God’s sovereignty is best understood as…
God’s Sovereign Choice
“You Arminians deny the sovereignty of God and you want all the credit for your salvation. You want man to play his part so that God doesn’t get all the glory.” These are common arguments…