This document looks through some common quotes from the Church fathers that some Calvinists have used to attempt to argue that an embryonic Calvinism existed in their thoughts. Unsurprisingly enough, a little context seems to…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Atonement, Justification, and Apostasy in the Thought of John Wesley”
Click on the file that contains Pinson’s article originally published by INTEGRITY (vol. 4, 2008, 73-92). The article is posted here by the author’s permission. Pinson, writing for a Free Will Baptist audience, explains how…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Will the Real Arminius Please Stand Up? A Study of the Theology of Jacobus Arminius in Light of His Interpreters”
The article was originally published in Integrity 2 (2003) 121-139, and is posted here with permission by the author. Pinson on Arminius
Orthodox Christian Matthew Gallatin on Eastern vs. Western Thinking
In the following YouTube video Matthew Gallatin, of Ancient Faith Radio, highlights the differences between Eastern and Western perceptions about God.
The History of Anglicanism and Arminianism
Anglicanism’s theological roots (those of the established Church of England) were grounded in Roman Catholic ideology in its initial stage. Roman Catholic site New Advent states: “Before the breach with Rome under Henry VIII there…
Robert Hamilton, “Election in Romans Chapter Nine”
Please click on the attachment to view Robert Hamilton’s “Election in Romans Chapter Nine”: Hamilton. Election in Romans Chapter Nine
Brian P. Irwin, “Yahweh’s Suspension of Free Will in the Old Testament: Divine Immorality or Sign-Act?”
Please click on the attachment to view Brian P. Irwin, “Yahweh’s Suspension of Free Will in the Old Testament: Divine Immorality or Sign-Act?” Tyndale Bulletin 54.2 (2003) 55-62.
The author’s summary:
Several passages in the Old Testament portray Yahweh as behaving in
ways that seem unfair or immoral. Two such narratives are the
episodes describing the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart and the spirit
dispatched to deceive Ahab. In each of these two cases, careful
attention to the literary context and the final form of the MT shows that
Yahweh’s behaviour is best understood as a sign-act directed toward a
specific end.
What is Orthodox in One Mind is Heterodox to Most
My recent discussions of heterodoxy vs. orthodoxy and the schisms inherent in any such discussion surfaced a common pattern I have observed among our Calvinist brethren. They seem to exhibit a narrow, almost myopic opinion…
Friday Files: How Calvinists Blind Side A Text
Scripture is a major part of the whole question of Arminianism and Calvinism. Which sides better represents Scripture? I think many of us can agree that that is the major question. That is the actual…
Thomas Osmond Summers, Commentary on the Gospels
Matthew Mark Luke
Daniel Steele and J.W. Lindsay, Commentary on the Old Testament Volume 2: Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
Daniel Steele and J.W. Lindsay, Commentary on the Old Testament Volume 2: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy — Commentary on the books of Leviticus and Numbers by Methodist professor Daniel Steele, and Deuteronomy by J.W. Lindsay;…
Daniel Steele and M.S. Terry, Commentary on the Old Testament Volume 3: Joshua – 2 Samuel
Daniel Steele and M.S. Terry, Commentary on the Old Testament Volume 3: Joshua – 2 Samuel — Commentary on the Book of Joshua by Methodist professor Daniel Steele and commentary on the books of Joshua…
Daniel Steele, Half-hours with St. John’s Epistles
Study in 1, 2 & 3 John by Methodist professor Daniel Steele published in 1901. (link)
Kaspar Brandt, The Life of James Arminius
Early biography of James Arminius. (link)
Opera Theologica by Simon Episcopius
This is the Latin text of the incomplete systematic theology of Arminius’ greatest student and leader of the Remonstrants at Dort, Simon Episcopius. Opera Theologica
Arminius’ Impact on Calvinism
[Editor’s note: It appears that the author uses the term “sublapsarian” as equivalent to the term “infralapsarian.” Many use this language in that way. But some use these terms to refer to different positions.] Arminius…
*In the Footsteps of Arminius: A Delightsome Pilgrimage* by William Fairfield Warren
A history of the life and times of James Arminius. link
The Influence of Arminius on American Theology
The following is part of Gerald O. McCulloh’s address presented at the Arminius Symposium in Holland, August 1960. He stated that it was his honor to chronicle the influence of the theology of the great…
Arminius and the Structure of Society
The following is part of James Luther Adams’ address presented at the Arminius Symposium in Holland, August 1960: “Arminius and the Structure of Society.” Not as a total stranger does the citizen of Massachusetts visit…
Philip van Limborch (1633-1712) wrote the first complete Remonstrant Systematic Theology. Though he slighted original sin and had questionable views on total depravity, he still does make some very strong points against Calvinism. Here’s an…