As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey…
Posts By arminianbaptist
Daily Scripture Commentary, Sunday April 6: Gal 3:21-29
Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. But Scripture has…
Saturday April 5 Daily Scripture Commentary: Gal 3:1-6
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the…

Helwys’ Declaration of Faith–The First Baptist Confession
(update pdf version available at bottom of page) Thomas Helwys is known as the founder of the Baptist movement. He was an Arminian, and so history records that the first Baptists in Europe were Arminian.…
The Validity and Urgency of the Altar Call
In recent years, many Calvinists have severely critiqued the altar call, claiming that it is an Arminian innovation designed to manipulate people into making a faith commitment. While many an altar call may indeed be…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Atonement, Justification, and Apostasy in the Thought of John Wesley”
Click on the file that contains Pinson’s article originally published by INTEGRITY (vol. 4, 2008, 73-92). The article is posted here by the author’s permission. Pinson, writing for a Free Will Baptist audience, explains how…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Will the Real Arminius Please Stand Up? A Study of the Theology of Jacobus Arminius in Light of His Interpreters”
The article was originally published in Integrity 2 (2003) 121-139, and is posted here with permission by the author. Pinson on Arminius
The Universality of Jesus’ Drawing All to Him (John 12:32)
Regarding the Calvinist claims that the “all” of John 12:32 actually means “all kinds….” Why would John the Evangelist craft his gospel to emphasise that God wants “all KINDS” of people to be saved–as if…
Is God a Miserable Failure?
A favorite apologetic argument of Calvinists is that if Arminianism is true in regard to universal atonement (i.e., Jesus died for everyone, and not just for the elite few), then he has failed miserably. Here is…
Correcting Chistian Rapper Flame’s Theology
The Christian rapper Flame must not be your average rapper. I came across the lyrics of one of his songs. It is heavy with theology and is to be commended for being weighty. I suspect…
Who Are Free Will Baptists?
Free Will Baptists are an association of independent baptistic church congregations. Their 17th century origins are rooted in the rejection of infant baptism, and affirmation that believers only should be baptized.
The earliest Baptists were Arminian, although Calvinist Baptists arose soon afterward. Both Calvinist and Arminian Baptists shared some sense of commonality with each other as they were persecuted by those committed to infant baptism.
English Baptists had their origins under the heel of a repressive monarchy which insisted that its subjects submit to the King’s religion. Baptist affirmation of soul competency and the indwelling of the Spirit brought them into serious conflict with the crown. Many, many Baptist pastors died in prison.
James Leonard, “Toward a Definition of All Men”
Please click on the link to view James Leonard, “Toward a Definition of All Men.” [This post was taken from]
Matt 1:21: How Calvinists Blind Side a Text
He Will Save His People from Their Sins: How Calvinists Don’t Bother Looking from the Other Side One of the more inane proof-texts for Calvinism is Matthew 1:21: “…for he will save his people from…

Jim Leonard, “Eternal Security and Exegetical Overview of Hebrews”
This article derives from: and may be viewed there (where the formatting is better) or by clicking on the pdf attachment: Leonard. Eternal Security and Exegetical Overview of Hebrews.
Eternal Security and Exegetical Overview of Hebrews
An Attempt to Move the Issue from Prooftexting to Texts which Sustain the Argument Introduction to the Theological Debate For 500 years, much of evangelical Christianity has been split on the issue of whether a…
Eternal Security and Exegetical Overview of the Book of Hebrews
The following link is to an article by James M. Leonard, “Arminian Baptist,” who argues from the overall text of Hebrews for the actual possibility of believers leaving their faith.
What Is Reformation Arminianism?
James M. Leonard
[Editor’s note: Please remember that individual posts do not necessarily represent SEA’s official position, but represent the views of the individual author of the post. With regard to this excellent and informative post, please note that the author was careful to qualify many of his comments about Welseyanism as applying to “some” Wesleyans (rather than all).]
For those well acquainted with the Calvinist-Arminian debate, Reformation Arminianism (or Classic Arminianism) is a theological system which emphasizes universal atonement within a framework of Calvinistic total depravity and the penal satisfaction view of the atonement (explained in the paragraphs below).
Assurance of Salvation in Calvinism?
A major gun in the Calvinist arsenal against Arminianism is the issue of assurance of salvation. Calvinists relish pointing out that an Arminian never has assurance of his salvation. In contrast, they say, Calvinists are…
Toward a Definition of “All Men/People” (1 Timothy 2)
Please click on the attachment to view “Toward a Definition of “All Men/People” (1 Timothy 2).” by Arminian Baptist James M. Leonard. [Taken from]
Why Divine Foreknowledge Does Not Determine the Future
James M. Leonard
Robert E. Picirilli, in his excellent work Grace, Faith, and Free Will, broaches the subject of Divine Foreknowledge of future events. (See his JETS article here:,%20Freedom,%20and%20the%20Future_0.pdf )
He’s very clear on the subject, and convincing. He draws from Arminius himself and from Richard Watson, although he admits that the 19th century theologian’s style is belabored. I’m not sure what is original either to Dr. Picirilli or to his sources.