This document looks through some common quotes from the Church fathers that some Calvinists have used to attempt to argue that an embryonic Calvinism existed in their thoughts. Unsurprisingly enough, a little context seems to…
J. Matthew Pinson, “Will the Real Arminius Please Stand Up? A Study of the Theology of Jacobus Arminius in Light of His Interpreters”
The article was originally published in Integrity 2 (2003) 121-139, and is posted here with permission by the author. Pinson on Arminius
Guard Your Thoughts Against Calvinism with CALVINIX!
For some good theological humor:

John Shaw Banks, *A Manual of Christian Doctrine*
Please click on the link to view: John Shaw Banks, A Manual of Christian Doctrine (1902).
John Goodwin Responds to John Owen and Other Calvinist Critics
This 1658 work is a lengthy rejoinder to multiple Calvinist rebuttals written against Goodwin’s Arminian magnum opus, Redemption Redeemed (1651). It includes response to John Owen’s critique. The book runs 515 pages. It has a…
Marc Monte on Limited Atonement
From a sermon delivered at his Church (Faith Baptist Church in Avon, Indiana) from 2004, Pastor Monte points out what he feels are inconsistencies in the Calvinist teaching of Limited Atonement: Update (5/9/18): Please note:…
Did You Catch the Calvinist Contradiction Alert?
Recently, we posted an analysis by one of our members (Robert) of a portion of Justin Taylor’s interview of Calvinist scholar, John Feinberg, about his book Ethics for a Brave New World. In that analysis,…
Roger Olson, Review of Whosoever Will: A Biblical-Theological Critique of Five-Point Calvinism
Orthodox Christian Matthew Gallatin on Eastern vs. Western Thinking
In the following YouTube video Matthew Gallatin, of Ancient Faith Radio, highlights the differences between Eastern and Western perceptions about God.
Foreword to *Arminius Speaks*
Robert E. Picirilli, Professor Emeritus of Greek and New Testament at Free Will Baptist Bible College, provides the foreword in Arminius Speaks: Essential Writings on Predestination, Free Will, and the Nature of God, edited by…
Questions for Calvinists
by Kevin Jackson Here are some questions for Calvinists. Most of these have to do with God’s character. These are genuine questions that I as an Arminian haven’t heard good answers for, and help explain…
New Book Announcement: Arminius Speaks: Essential Writings on Predestination, Free Will, and the Nature of God
We are happy to announce the publication of Arminius Speaks: Essential Writings on Predestination, Free Will, and the Nature of God, edited by SEA member John D. Wagner and dedicated to SEA.
Here is a book description and some endorsements (for an attractive flier with a picture of the book on it and information on the publisher, see the attachment to this post; the book can be purchased at a discount through the publisher’s website [less expensive than listed on the flier]):
James Arminius is one of the most maligned and misunderstood theologians in
church history. In an era of major debate over predestination, free will, and
related concepts, Arminius was accused of being Pelagian, Semi-Pelagian, or a
heretic of all sorts. This is a trend that started in his time and has continued
to this day.
The truth is that he was a brilliant theologian who shook the foundations of
Calvinism to the core. Yet he was quite orthodox in his thinking, as he had
In heaven, Jesus decided to host and moderate a debate between Calvin and Arminius, reserving the right if need be to question each man’s answer. Being perfected, Christ understood that both men would seek only…
Calvinism Myths
I was recently pointed to this post by Calvinist Michael C. Patton, who I respect a great deal. Here he lists 12 myths that he believes are levied against Calvinism. I wanted to review a…
Southwest Alabama Bible Conference 2011: “Reclaiming Grace”
Southwest Alabama Bible Conference 2011 “Reclaiming Grace … A Biblical Response to Five Point Calvinism” “For by grace you have been saved…” (Eph. 2:8) At Grove Hill Baptist Church January 30 – February 2 See…
Differences in Calvinism and Arminianism
It is easier to respect the position of someone whom you disagree with if you can understand their motivation. Therefore, it is helpful to identify the foundational differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. God’s Primary Attribute:…
Some Lists of Top News Items from 2010 of Interest to Evangelicals
In light of the year’s ending, here are some lists of top news items from 2010 that might be of interest to those of us who are interested in theology: Christianity Today’s Top 10 News…
Index of Articles by Robert Hamilton
Here is a list of articles available on our site that were written by Robert Hamilton. Hamilton has written a number of essays on topics of interest to Arminians. He does an excellent job presenting…
For God so Loved the World
Merry Christmas all. This post was first published by Dr. Olson on the 8th of Decemeber, hence it being an “Advent Meditation”. However, we felt that it was such a wonderful expression of God’s love through Christ that it would be perfect for Christmas day:
by Roger E. Olson
For God so loved the world . . . that He couldn’t stay away. Yes, to academics and scholars it sounds simplistic and even smacks of folk religion. But if you strip from it any connotation of God being “lonely” or absent it’s an apt statement of the gospel itself. And it nicely expresses the essence of Arminian theology: that God’s love for the whole world demonstrated in the incarnation and cross stands at the center of theology as its critical principle.
Dear Calvinists
In light of Justin Taylor’s post titled Dear Arminians, I offer a likewise peace from authors Jerry Walls and Joseph Dongell, from their book Why I am not a Calvinist (purchase here), the counter to…