Is Judas a problem for your theology? He can be a problem if some of your beliefs come from tradition and not from the Scriptures. In this article I would like to discuss the full…

Is Judas a problem for your theology? He can be a problem if some of your beliefs come from tradition and not from the Scriptures. In this article I would like to discuss the full…
Five-point Calvinists insist that the offer of salvation is sincerely granted to and attainable by all by the grace of God, in and through faith in Christ, and yet God has not provided an unconditional…
Please click on the link to view Charles Edward White, “’Ye Need Not One Be Left Behind/For God Hath Bidden All Mankind’: Charles Wesley’s Response to the Doctrine of Limited Atonement.”
One very common Calvinist proof text for limited atonement and a limited salvific will on God’s part is in John 17:9. The context of the passage is Jesus in the Garden Of Gethsemane. The synoptic…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “The Extent of the Atonement and Preaching, Evangelism, and Missions”. This lecture was given at the Biblical Studies Symposium on October 1, 2013 at Liberty University.
Please click on the link to view J. Matthew Pinson, “The Nature of Atonement in the Theology of Jacob Arminius” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 53.4 (December 2010) 773–85. Here is the author’s summary/conclusion of the article: Arminius…
The following post is a satire, written from the perspective of an overzealous Calvinist. This post is part of a series on the New Calvinist Bible (NCB) – a new Bible translation designed to show…
On someone’s Facebook page, I find that John Piper tweets the following: “Christ purchased holiness for the [unconditionally] elect. ‘For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified.’ (John 17:19)” When one…
Arminians and Molinists believe that God wants everyone saved. We also believe that Jesus Christ died for every single human being who will ever exist in this world. There’s an overabundance of scriptures that testifies…
This is Part Five of my series of review essays of Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology and deals with Chapter 5 : Universalism and Particularism.” I invite those reading the book…
I’ve been reading Piper’s Are There Two Wills in God?; here’s a way of thinking about the issues. Consider the following argument: If the doctrine of Unconditional Election is true, then God prefers that not all…
In this 2 part article, Wesleyan-Arminian scholar Dr. Fred Sanders talks about what Scripture says regarding the order of salvation and the atonement (part 1) and evangelism and cooperation in ministry (part 2). Please click on the…
When Christians who aren’t from a Calvinist tradition hear about limited atonement, something usually seems entirely wrong about the idea. Indeed, in the face of having no clear biblical data to support such an idea,…
Please click on the link to view the Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry (Spring 2011) Vol. 8.1: Calvinist, Arminian, and Baptist Perspectives on Soteriology. Please note that while there are articles from differing perspectives, the editorial…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of John Piper’s Chapter in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her, Part 2.” This is part 25 of Allen’s multi-part review of From Heaven He Came…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of John Piper’s Chapter in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her, Part 1.” This is part 24 of Allen’s multi-part review of From Heaven He Came…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Sinclair Ferguson’s Chapter on Limited Atonement & Assurance in From Heaven He Came & Sought Her.” This is part 23 of Allen’s multi-part review of From…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Daniel Strange’s Chapter on Those Who Never Hear the Gospel in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.“ This is part 22 of Allen’s multi-part…
From the video’s YouTube page: “Dr. Charles Gutenson here outlines John Wesley’s order of salvation—that work of God which begins with prevenient grace and ends with glorifying grace.” A brief bio from Seedbed on Dr.…
Please click on the link to view David L. Allen, “Review of Henri Blocher, Chapter 20, ‘Systematic Theology of Definite Atonement’ in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her.“ This is part 21 of Allen’s multi-part review…