This information is provided by SEA member, Roy Ingle IV. The uses of the moral law are various, according to the different conditions of man. (1.) The primary use, and that which was of itself…
Author/Scholar Index: Arminian
Assemblies of God Position Paper: “The Security of the Believer”
Below is a paper that was published by the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God explaining their reasoning in regard to the security of the believer. In was published in 1978 and has remained…
Do Arminians Believe In A Works Based Doctrine?
Calvinists often accuse Arminians of not believing that we are saved by grace because we believe man has the ability to choose between serving Him and serving one’s own sinful desires. Although it’s true that…
Young. Restless. No Longer Reformed (a really good new book)
by Roger Olson I can’t resist announcing the publication of a new book: “Young. Restless. No Longer Reformed” by my friend Austin Fischer–teaching pastor at The Vista Community Church in Temple, Texas. It is extremely…
Roger Olson, “Does God Foreordain and Render Certain Sins? (And Why Some Questions Annoy Me)”
Does God Foreordain and Render Certain Sins? (And Why Some Questions Annoy Me) Not infrequently some Calvinist confronts me with a question that, in the way it is asked, implies two things: 1) I must…
Roger Olson, “Why I Don’t Respond to Every Critic or Debate Every Calvinist”
Over the past few years many, many people have asked me to respond to critics–most of them Calvinists. Many have also pressured me to enter into public debates with specific Calvinist theologians and radio personalities.…
How Can a Dead Person Believe Unless God Makes Him Alive?
How can a dead person believe unless God first makes him alive? This is a question that is asked by Calvinists. Ephesians 2:1-9 states that we are dead in sin, that we are saved by…
Günther Juncker, “How Romans 11 Refutes Calvinism”
According to Calvinism, Rom 11:5-7 teaches double predestination. On the one hand there is a “remnant” that is elect and has been “chosen” for salvation from before the foundation of the world. And on the…
Calvinism on the Horns: The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge in Calvinism and Why You Should Be an Arminian
Calvinists often lead the charge against Open Theism and traditional Arminians agree that Open Theism is Biblically problematic. However, Calvinists often seem to hide the unfortunate implications of their own view of foreknowledge. Open Calvinism?…
I Wish More Arminians Were Like Calvinists, by Jerry Walls
[Jerry Walls recently posted this on facebook, and we thought it was worth sharing. Walls co-authored the book Why I am not a Calvinist.] I have been thinking the past few days about a Facebook…
Quotation of Kenneth Keathley on Whether the Person Who Believes Is More Virtuous than the One Who Doesn’t If God Enables Both to Believe
From Kenneth Keathley, Salvation and Sovereignty: A Molinist Approach (SSM, B&H, 2010), p. 60: If all hearers are equally enabled by grace to receive the Gospel, and one person accepts the Message while another person…
Additional Notes on the FACTS Write-Up: 7 Point Arminianism
by Brian Abasciano I just wanted to share some additional notes about my article, “The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace,” recently published here at the website of the Society of Evangelical Arminians. (For…
Roger Olson, “Explaining Calvinism to Calvinists (and Others)”
One surprising feature of the new Calvinist movement is that so many claim to be Calvinists but have not studied Calvinism thoroughly. Nothing shows that more clearly than the responses offered here to my critique…
Why Does One Person Believe in Jesus and Not Another?
This is a question I sometimes get from Calvinists. They ask, “Why does one person believe in Jesus and not the other?” The short answer to the question is: One person chose to believe and…
Andrew Dragos, “A Response to John Piper on, ‘Where’s the Arminian John Piper?’”
In a recent podcast of “Ask Pastor John” from Desiring God, John Piper provided an answer as to why there isn’t an Arminian version of himself. This was in response to the challenge Roger Olson…
Something For Calvinists to Chew On
I’ve been reading the latter part of the Old Testament and something really interesting occurred to me. God spends so many chapters complaining about all the evil that Israel and Judah have been doing and…
Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library – Free Online Resource
Here’s a new free online resource: Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library. It is sponsored by the Nazarene church. There are resources in multiple languages. Some of the free resources include: H. Orton Wiley’s systematic theology: Christian…
The Incompatibility Of Compatiblism
Compatiblist freedom isn’t freedom at all. The compatiblist will say “You’re free because you do whatever you want to do” but the fact is, you can’t control your wants. Your desires have been programmed into…
David L. Allen, Part 3 Review of “From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective”
This material is used by the express permission of the author. This review was originally posted at and can also be found, with slight revisions, in David Allen, The Extent of the Atonement: A…
David L. Allen, Part 2 Review of “From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective”
This material is used by the express permission of the author. This review was originally posted at and can also be found, with slight revisions, in David Allen, The Extent of the Atonement: A…