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Early Church Father Jerome on Free Will

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From the Letters of St. Jerome, CXXXIII: It is in vain that you misrepresent me and try to convince the ignorant that I condemn free-will. Let him who condemns it be himself condemned. We have been created endowed…

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The Early Church and Calvinism

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This is a detailed study of Calvinism in light of the earliest Christian writers (Ante-Nicene Church Fathers). It demonstrates that the primary features of Calvinism were not taught by the Ante-Nicene Fathers but were actually considered heretical by these early Christian writers (often connected to various forms of gnosticism). Numerous quotes from these Ante-Nicene writers are provided for the reader to carefully consider.

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Mark K. Olson, “Early Methodist Christology”

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This article is an extract of my chapter “Early Methodist Christology After the Wesleys” in Methodist Christology: From the Wesleys to the Twenty-First Century, eds. Jason E. Vickers and Jerome Van Kuiken. Foundary Books, 2020. [To…

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Mark K. Olson, “Early Methodist Christology”

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Christmas is a season we celebrate the incarnation. The 18th century saw the rise of anti-Trinitarian theologies that undermined belief in Christ’s deity. Some scholars argue that John Wesley held a deficient view of the…

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Accepting/Rejecting Calvinism (Pt. 13: Calvinism, Church History, and Prevenient Grace)

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This is from a series of posts which was copied with permission from Jordan Apodaca’s blog, “Thoughts & Anti-Thoughts,” which can be accessed here: This particular post, which allows comments, can be accessed here:…

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