Christopher T. Bounds, “The Scope of The Atonement in the Early Church Fathers”

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Please click on the link to view Christopher T. Bounds, “The Scope of The Atonement in the Early Church Fathers,” Wesleyan Theological Journal 47.2 (Fall 2012) 7-26.

Here is the author’s conclusion:

In conclusion, while Thomas Oden in his systematic theology does
not substantiate unlimited atonement in the early consensual tradition of
the church, the foundation is clearly there. Our confidence as Wesleyans
in “unlimited atonement” is grounded not only in our interpretation of
God’sWord, the Scriptures, but also in the earliest reflection and interpretation
of the Scriptures in the church. Our belief in unlimited atonement
was the consensual exegesis and understanding of the first 500 years of