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Roger Olson, “A Question to Calvinists”

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One of my most faithful blog visitors and participants signed off recently, telling me in a message not to be posted that he would no longer read my blog. He is a self-identified Calvinist and…

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The Post-Reformation Digital Library

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Please  click on the link to access The Post-Reformation Digital Library website. A description from the website: “The Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) is a select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and…

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How do we come to love God?

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How can we obtain the basis of love which unites our will with God’s will? How can we be made to possess that which we are not possessed of, by being made to love that…

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Jerry Walls, “The Sovereignty of God”

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The sovereignty of God is a vitally important truth Wesleyans badly need to recover. This is not only because it is crucial for understanding the biblical drama, but also because many Wesleyans have tended to…

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Why I Care about Calvinism

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[This post was taken from here at the Impefect Reflections blog, where comments can be posted.] A week or two ago, I mentioned a post I was working on to my friend James, about a…

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John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?”

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Please click on the link to view John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?” A John Piper article on the Society of Evangelical Arminians website? Yes indeed, for in addressing the question, “Is faith meritorious?” he gives an Arminian…

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