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This Week in Arminianism

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Mike Barlotta, of Dead Heroes Don’t Save, brings us a Suessical: “Free Grace for All.” Warning to Calvinists: Not to be taken personally. Craig Adams, of Commonplace Holiness, posts: “God Speaks from the Burning Bush,”…

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The Genius of Arminian Theodicy

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I do not accept what is known as a Greater-Good theodicy1 — that all sin and evil serve a purpose in the mind and plan of God, from which He will bring about a greater…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Christopher C. Chapman grants us a “Tract for Nominal Christians: The Cost of Non-Discipleship.” Dr. Dale Wayman, of IRONSTRIKES, highlights: “A Conversation about Swearing,” “Christians Using the ‘F’ Word?” “Wussification — No Playing Tag,” “Wussification…

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Anthony Chadwick Thornhill, “To the Jew First: A Socio-Historical and Biblical-Theological Analysis of the Pauline Teaching of ‘Election’ in Light of Second Temple Jewish Patterns of Thought”

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Please click on the attachment to view Anthony Chadwick Thornhill, “To the Jew First: A Socio-Historical and Biblical-Theological Analysis of the Pauline Teaching of ‘Election’ in Light of Second Temple Jewish Patterns of Thought.” This…

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God’s Circus

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The Bible everywhere assumes free will within the context of God’s sovereignty. This renders any semblance of determinism erroneous at best and damaging to the character and integrity of God at worst. If God influences our…

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This Week in Arminianism

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James Leonard, of Treasures Old and New, asks and answers: “What is Reformation Arminianism?“ Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, reviews chapter three of the latest Arminian book: Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation. Traditional…

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The Parable of the Midwives

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BREAKING: the midwife murderers have just entered the court room. Tamar and Gomer are each charged with 10 counts of infanticide. In the process of helping young Hebrew parents deliver their babies, Tamar and Gomer…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Gene Brode, from The Grace Apparatus, posts: “Compatibilism and Wireless Technology, Part 1: Why Calvinism’s Explanation for Human Freedom and Responsibility Doesn’t Satisfy Me.” Timothy C. Tennent writes: “Spreading Scriptural Holiness throughout the World, Part…

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Purposeless Evil by Cheryl Schatz

Cheryl Schatz, “Purposeless Evil”

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Is there purposeless evil if God did not foreordain all things? Calvinists often talk about “purposeless evil”. In fact, Dr. James White, a Calvinist apologist from Alpha and Omega Ministries, has stated that if God did…

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