The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…
Recent Posts
The Friday Files
Andrew C. Thompson, “Practical Divinity: John Wesley and the Power of Christian Doctrine”
Please click on the link to view Andrew C. Thompson, “Practical Divinity: John Wesley and the Power of Christian Doctrine.”
Great Quotes: Daniel Whedon on Foreknowledge and Free Will
“Whether there is any foreknowledge or not, it is certain that there will be one particular course of future events and no other. On the most absolute doctrine of freedom there will be, as we…
Harry A Ironside, “For God So Loved the World That . . . WHOSOEVER!”
Below is an excerpt from Harry A Ironside’s booklet, For God So Loved the World That . . . WHOSOEVER! God’s Saving Grace Available to All (works in the public domain): The universality of the offer…
The Friday Files
The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…
Andrew Hnatiuk, “On Assurance of Salvation and Calvin’s ‘Evanescent Grace’”
Calvinist blogger C Michael Patton from Credo House writes (Link): It may surprise you to know that just about every contact I have had with people who are doubting their salvation are Calvinistic in their…
Harry A Ironside, “He ‘gave Himself’”
Below is an excerpt from chapter 3 “Substitution”, in Henry A Ironside’s 1944 book Great Words of the Gospel (works in the public domain; bold below mine): I do not have one particular text in…
Man Goes Bankrupt After Refusing to Sign Check
Local resident Calvin deKlein declared bankruptcy today after refusing to sign a check that would have paid off the debt for him. deKlein was reportedly heard muttering, “If I sign the check, it means I…
The Friday Files
The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…
Scott E. Bryant, “The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition”
This is the author’s Baylor University PhD dissertation. Please click on the link to view Scott E. Bryant, “The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition” (PhD dissertation;…
Harry A Ironside Answers Questions About Predestination, Election & Assurance
Below is a Q&A from chapter 9, “Difficulties Which Hinder Full Assurance”, from Henry A Ironside’s 1937 book Full Assurance (works in the public domain): “Sometimes I am afraid that I am predestinated to be damned; if so, I can…
The Friday Files
The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…
Great Quotes: Thomas Ralston on Calvinist Arguments Against Free Will Based on Greatest Motive Force
Let us now contemplate these motives which are said to act upon the mind so as necessarily to influence the will. Let us look them full in the face, and ask the question, What are…
Five Problems with Limited Atonement
Arminian and Baptist: An Interview with Matt Pinson by Jackson Watts
Please click on the link to access the interview. Here is Jackson Watts introduction to the interview: Arminianism has enjoyed something of a renewal of interest in theological discussions in the last decade. This interest…
The Friday Files
The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…
Ben Henshaw, “Do You Really Want to Claim John Calvin as Your Homeboy?”
A few days ago I saw someone wearing a “Calvin is my homeboy” T-shirt. I have to admit that the shirt made me cringe. My thoughts immediately went to questions concerning Calvin’s character. While I…
Two Book Reviews of Matt Pinson’s Arminian and Baptist at the Helwys Society Forum
Here are two book reviews of Matt Pinson, Arminian and Baptist: Explorations in a Theological Tradition that were posted at the Helwys Society Forum: (1) Arminian and Baptist: Explorations in a Theological Tradition: A Book Review by Dustin…
Ben Henshaw, “A Brief Review of ‘Free Will: Pagan and Unbiblical'”
A Calvinists site promoted this video on their site a few years ago: “Free Will: Pagan and Unbiblical”. I forced myself to watch it, which wasn’t easy. Here are my brief, informal comments on the…
The Friday Files
The Friday Files compiles links to posts from Arminian and other non-Calvinistic bloggers from around the globe, and highlights older posts from SEA. Inclusion of a link here does not necessarily mean the linked material…