The story of the blind man in John 9 is a study in guilt. What makes us guilty, and what’s the relation between guilt and our ability to obey and believe God? Let’s do a…
Recent Posts
Sin and Guilt in John 9
Dear Dr. Flowers
[Editor’s note: This post is a follow-up to a previous post by the author (Christopher Cole) concerning a discussion he had with Leighton Flowers, now in light of a response from Flowers to the previous…
Thoughts on a Conversation with Dr. Leighton Flowers
By Christopher R. Cole I’m not the smartest theologian on the planet. In fact, I don’t even really consider myself to be a theologian at all. I am a pastor who is currently appointed to…
Eric Landstrom, A Response to Phillip Tachin’s Characterization of Arminianism
For his part, Calvinist Phillip Tachin has attempted to harmonize synergism and monergism within the confines of Calvinism. While interest in the symmetry between monergism and synergism has continued to broaden due to increasing theological…
Friday Files, 3 August 2018
It’s the St. Nicodemus Day (more or less; the Orthodox figure that was yesterday) edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly reminder that five years ago, we also had some really good stuff on the…
Daniel LaLond Jr., “Moody Church’s Dr. Lutzer Out Of Step With Founders”
Unknown to his supporters, the respected pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, annuls key biblical texts with strange, unorthodox interpretations. By doing so, this modern evangelical icon promises paradise to the…
Steve Witzki, “Is Perseverance in Faith Necessary to Obtain Final Salvation?”
“Final perseverance implies final faithfulness—he that endures to the end shall be saved—he that is faithful unto death shall have a crown of life. And will any man attempt to say that he who does…
James Arminius’ 20 Reasons for Rejecting Theodore Beza’s Supralapsarian Predestination
1. It is not the foundation of Christianity of salvation, or of its certainty. 2. It comprises within it neither the whole nor any part of the Gospel. 3. It was never admitted, decreed, or…
Friday Files, 27 July 2018
It’s the Sts. Maurus, Pantalemon, and Sergius Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly flashback series. The views expressed in the previously-posted articles aren’t necessary those of SEA, but are of interest to Arminians…
Book Review- Free Will Revisited: A Respectful Response to Luther, Calvin, and Edwards, by Robert E. Picirilli
Free Will Revisited is a book by Robert E Picirilli, a Free Will Baptist theologian and professor emeritus of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist College. As the title suggests, the book is…
A. Philip Brown II, “Does the Bible Teach Prevenient Grace?: A Short Response to William Combs”
Click on the link to read, A. Philip Brown II, “Does the Bible Teach Prevenient Grace?: A Short Response to William Combs”, available in PDF from the author’s website This paper was presented August 5, 2005…
Book Review: Free Will Revisited by Robert Picirilli
Opening my inbox, I saw an email that caused me to pause. The subject line was Arminian Theology and the author was Robert Picirilli. Expecting anything but an email from the noted theologian of that name, I clicked…
Friday Files, 20 July 2018
It’s the St. Elijah Day edition of the Friday Files. (All the Old Testament prophets are saints, y’know.) The Friday Files are a look back at SEA’s previous articles, posted on the site because they’re…
FWS Podcast: Sin (Part 1)
In this episode, Dr. Vic Reasoner will begin to discuss the Doctrine of Sin. Alternative Link: Sin (Part 1)
John Leek, “The Promise of Planting with Prevenient Grace”
Click on the link to read, John Leek, “The Promise of Planting with Prevenient Grace”, from Seedbed.
Don Thorsen, “Why Wesley, and Not Calvin”
Click on the link to read, Don Thorsen, “Why Wesley, and Not Calvin”, from Catalyst Resources. Don Thorsen is the author of Calvin vs. Wesley: Bringing Belief in Line with Practice (Abingdon, 2013).
David L. Allen, “Calvin and the Extent of the Atonement: 21st Century Research”
Click the link to view David L. Allen, “Calvin and the Extent of the Atonement: 21st Century Research”, a paper delivered at the Evangelical Theological Society, and made available by the author at his website.
Friday Files, 13 July 2018
It’s the St. Silas Day edition of the Friday Files. (You remember Silas, right? God busted him out of jail in Corinth? Cowrote Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians? Yeah, that guy.) The Friday Files are…
FWS Podcast: Anthropology
In these episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss Anthropology. Alternative Link: Anthropology (Part 1) Alternative Link: Anthropology (Part 2)
Book Review: Jacob Arminius: The Man from Oudewater by Rustin E. Brian
Click on the link to read Dr David T. Fry’s review of Jacob Arminius: The Man from Oudewater (Cascade, 2015) by Rustin E. Brian, published in Themelios, Volume 41, Issue 2.