1. It has long been a maxim with those philosophers who are the masters of method and order, that the theoretical sciences ought to be delivered in a synthetical order, but the practical in an…

1. It has long been a maxim with those philosophers who are the masters of method and order, that the theoretical sciences ought to be delivered in a synthetical order, but the practical in an…
1. The end of theology is the blessedness of man; and that, not animal or natural, but spiritual and supernatural. 2. It consists in fruition, the object of which is a perfect, chief, and sufficient…
THE NINE QUESTIONS: NINE OPPOSITE QUESTIONS 1. Which is first, Election, or Faith Truly Foreseen, so that God elected his people according to faith foreseen? 1. Is the decree “for bestowing Faith on any one,”…
It’s the St. Eustochium’s Day edition of the Friday Files, SEA’s weekly extra dose of reading material, dug out of the archives ’cause it’s there. (And still good.) All views expressed are those of their…
Here at SEA, we don’t know how long this amazing resource will be offered at the low price of $2.99! SEA appreciates that the editors of this study Bible are Craig Keener and John Walton,…
The Wesley Center Online has many different sources on Arminian theology. The link is a very basic sketch of who James Arminius was and links to his works. http://wesley.nnu.edu/arminianism/the-works-of-james-arminius/volume-1/a-sketch-of-the-life-of-james-arminius/
A gentleman who was being urged to accept Christ, said to the preacher, “There are some things in the Bible that seem to be highly contradictory. Christ must have overestimated Himself. Once He declared that…
In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Joshua McNall helps clarify the origin of salvation and how this illuminates the character of God, answering the charge sometimes laid at Wesleyan-Arminianism that it is a human-centered theology. The…
It’s the St. Matthew Day edition of the Friday Files, our version of the Wayback Machine, in which we travel to the not-all-that-distant year of 2014 and poke around SEA’s website a little. The views…
As a Christian and a neuroscientist, I keep learning that to be human is to have a soul. Please click on the link to view Michael Egnor, “More Than Material Minds,” Christianity Today September 14, 2014.
Charles Wesley wrote approximately 9000 hymns and “holy” poems. Even though many of his polemics are in his songs, many Calvinists (and Arminians) sing Wesley’s hymns. One of Wesley’s strongest anti-calvinist hymns is “The Horrible…
Dr. Brown takes an exegetical look at a simple Bible verse to dispel a common misunderstanding of the text. As usual Dr. Brown is short and to the point. https://askdrbrown.org/library/real-meaning-%E2%80%98-earth-it-heaven%E2%80%99
It’s the St. Crescentius Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly reminder SEA has had a website for years. Going back years. Not decades yet, but give us time. (Although if our Lord could…
In these episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will begin to discuss the doctrine of Salvation. Alternative Link: Salvation (Part 1) Alternative Link: Salvation (Part 2)
One of the attacks often aimed toward Arminian theology is that Arminians do not believe in the sovereignty of God. It is argued by Calvinists that their theology embraces the absolute sovereignty of God in…
An excellent look at the relationship between righteous living within the context of the gracious forgiveness of sins. Righteousness: The Character of Servanthood (A Study in Isaiah)
The birth of my child transformed my view of the “problem of pain” and divine foreknowledge. Please click on the link to view Hilary Yancey, “My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering.”
It’s the St. Regina Day edition of the Friday Files, your weekly reminder that SEA has years of fun stuff on our website. The views expressed therein aren’t necessarily those of SEA, and neither are…
Dr. Olson laying out the importance of distinguishing God antecedent will with His consequent will. Does God Always Get His Way?
The following is taken from The Works of Arminius on baptism. Arminius held to baptism by sprinking and he also practiced and taught infant baptism as can be seen from this article. This is one area of…