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X-Calvinist Corner

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We have a new page on our website call X-Calvinist corner. It has testimonies of people who have left Calvinism for a more Arminian theology. Check it out here!

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When Does The Day End?

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I’ve been thinking about this question for a little while now, but what actually determines when the day ends? I don’t mean physically, but rhetorically, like when someone says, “At the end of the day…

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Is Your Soteriology Hermanszoonian? (Quiz)

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IS YOUR SOTERIOLOGY HERMANSZOONIAN? Everyone has at least some sort of systematic theology.  Even if, say, “Mr. Smith” denies he has one, we could call it “Smithism.”  Simply having an “-ism” attached to a set…

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A Wesleyan Catechism

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This free downloadable version of a Wesleyan Catechism was compiled and organized by Ryan Kiblinger. It is titled, A Wesleyan Catechism: A Teaching on the 10 Commandments, the Methodist Articles of Religion, and the Lord’s…

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The God Who Seeks

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“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. . .” (Genesis 3:8, NIV)​“I revealed myself to those…

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The Bane of Legalism

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Nothing detracts more from the radiance of true Christian holiness than the judgmental spirit of legalism. Legality, the condition of conforming to law, is desirable. “Legalism,” however, is a dependence on keeping law as the means…

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