The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. Before we examine John 15, I want to give a general outline of how I envision this series unfolding.…

The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. Before we examine John 15, I want to give a general outline of how I envision this series unfolding.…
The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. My next several posts will be dealing with the topic of perseverance. Perseverance of the saints is represented in…
by James M. Leonard
Calvinist churches are but a small minority; most evangelical churches are Arminian or semi-Arminian. However, the Calvinist resurgence is producing full Five Point Calvinist pastors looking for work. The resurgence is also prompting Arminian and semi-Arminian pastors to embrace Calvinism. This dynamic is the source of considerable tension in the life of the local church, not to mention in the heart of such pastors as they hold to a view which is often at odds with their churches.
Of course, this is not a problem for those Calvinistic pastors who minister within the confines denominations which are pre-committed to Calvinism. However, this is a huge problem for Calvinistic pastors who minister in theologically mixed denominations. Such denominations would include Southern Baptist Convention, General Baptist Conference, Evangelical Free Church, American Baptist Churches and others, not to mention the many independent churches.
My little children, I am writing these things to you in order that you would not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and he…
Ever wonder what the differences between Pelagians, semi-Pelagians, Arminians, Sub-lapsarians and Supra-lapsarians are? These terms often get thrown around, and people sometimes get mad when they are labeled in one group or another. The best…
I was recently reading the blog Ancient Christian Defender. The author Jnorm888 had a provocative post entitled Was Jonathan Edwards a racist? It is a well known fact that Edwards was a proponent of slavery,…
Please click on the attachment to view Brian J. Abasciano, “Corporate Election in Romans 9: A Reply to Thomas Schreiner” (This article was published in JETS 49/2 (June 2006) 351-71.) Article. CORPORATE ELECTION IN ROMANS…
“Most of Arminius’ theological career was a process of discovery and Christology was at the very centre of this. Hence it would necessarily somewhat distort the picture to begin with a crystal-clear thesis . .…
Greek text is from NA-27 (in unicode). English text is from American Standard Version (1901).
If we would say that we have no sin, we would be deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we would confess our sins, he is faithful and just in order…
Simon Bisscop (better known by his Latinized last name, Episcopius) was James Arminius’ student and close friend. He attended the University of Leiden when the hot debates between Arminius and Gomarus were going on. He…
For some, the debate between Arminianism and Calvinism boils down to whether salvation is monergistic or synergistic. I believe the term “synergism” is not always accurately applied to the Arminian position. The word comes from…
by Martin Glynn Unlike Calvinism with Dordt, Arminianism doesn’t really have a singular document which defines us. However, there does exist the Articles of the Remonstrants which marks the first expression of a distinctly Arminian…
The subject of this post is to define faith from an Arminian perspective and demonstrate that the Calvinist charge that faith within the Arminian system would promote boasting, is inaccurate. Saving faith, when Biblically understood,…
And this is the message which we have heard from him and announced to you, that God is light and there is no darkness whatsoever in him. 6 If we would say that we have…
The content of this post was authored by J.C. Thibodaux and is posted on his behalf.
Recently, Tim Challies did a review of Roger E. Olson’s Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities,
He cites a paragraph from the book:
“When conservative theologians declare that synergism is a heresy, they are usually referring to these two Pelagian forms of synergism. Classical Arminians agree. This is a major theme of this book. Contrary to confused critics, classical Arminianism is neither Pelagian nor semi-Pelagian! But it is synergistic. Arminianism is evangelical synergism as opposed to heretical, humanistic synergism.”
If Dr. Keith Stanglin’s book, Arminius on the Assurance of Salvation, isn’t the best book out there on Arminius, it’s certainly in the top five. Stanglin’s description of Arminius’ views has a historic flare, similar…
Romans 1.16-17, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it…
In this post I give my autobiographical and intellectual reasons for rejecting Calvinism
This is a post I have been thinking about and working on for quite some time. It is not meant to be an exhaustive critique of Calvinism or an argument for the purity of non-Calvinist theology. It is a response to the genuine inquiries of those who ask why I no longer hold to the Calvinistic “doctrines of grace” and “sovereignty of God.” Confessional intellectual autobiography and polemical discourse are the genres in which I write, and hopefully it will be apparent at which places I vacillate between the two. I have made a concerted effort to downplay the use of technical jargon, though some will be necessary. When words idiosyncratic to the issues emerge I will do my best to explain them, but I plead for grace in advance for any presumed vocabulary that may be foreign to the gentle reader.
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life- 2 the life…