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This Week in Arminianism

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Roy Ingle, of Arminian Today, calls on Calvinists to Confront the Rhetoric of [Calvinist] Jeff Durbin against Arminians and other non-Calvinists. The Wartburg Watch posts: “Neo-Calvinists in Charge: Are They Creating a Divisive ‘Us vs. Them’…

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Vic Reasoner, “An Arminian Covenant Theology”

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Too many Arminians have pushed their tray through the theological cafeteria, accepting a helping of whatever sounded good. Before we accept all the popular theology of the celebrity teachers, we had better determine upon what…

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This Week in Arminianism

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Mike Barlotta, of Dead Heroes Don’t Save, posts: “I Find Your Definition of Faith Disturbing.” Evan Minton, of Cerebral Faith, asks and answers the question: “What Biblical Evidence is There for Prevenient Grace?“ James Leonard,…

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Video: David Allen Sermon on 1 John 2:1-2

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This video is of the entire 11:20 am church service at First Baptist Church, Irving, TX on February 14, 2016. It can be viewed here. The sermon begins at the 22:45 mark. Allen begins to deal…

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The Making of a Classical Arminian

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The lovely picture to your right is a Dutch-Calvinist work naming Arminianism a five-headed, four-footed, part man, part beast, monster. The five-fold head of this monster represents the head of Avarice, Deceit, Riot (or Sedition),…

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Arminius the Gadfly

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A gadfly is a “persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.” (link) The late Anglican priest John R.W. Stott comments that the Church needs gadflies to “sting and harry us into action for change,” even though gadflies…

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