Please click on the link to view Jason A. Staples, “Vessels of Wrath and God’s Pathos: Potter/Clay Imagery in Rom 9:20–23,” Harvard Theological Review, Volume 115, Issue 2, April 2022, pp. 197-218. Author’s abstract: Starting…

Please click on the link to view Jason A. Staples, “Vessels of Wrath and God’s Pathos: Potter/Clay Imagery in Rom 9:20–23,” Harvard Theological Review, Volume 115, Issue 2, April 2022, pp. 197-218. Author’s abstract: Starting…
[This post first appeared at] “Arminius was remembered as a professor who directed his students primarily to Scripture. Scripture, and Scripture alone, is finally authoritative as a source of theology. … his ultimate responsibility…
The United Methodist Church, being formed in 1968 by a merger between the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church (i.e., the German speaking Methodist church), is finally at an end. Torn apart on…
[This post first appeared at] “… In the Gospels, it is the state of the heart hardened against Divine grace, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and therefore of necessity hopeless…” – William Burt Pope, Compendium Vol.…
From the description: In this video we look at John Wesley’s 1770 tract, “What is an Arminian?”, to conclude that an Arminian is a Christian who: – Affirms the doctrines of original sin & total…
[This post first appeared at] “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.” – Romans 1:19 ESV “Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness…
In the debate over prevenient grace, one text that has received a surprisingly insufficient attention is Romans 2:4. Here Paul writes, “Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and restraint and…
Please click on the link to view B. J. Oropeza, “Paul and Lukan Predestination? Rereading Acts 13:48 through the Lens of Isaiah.” Author’s abstract: This is a study on the controversial passage of Acts 13:48,…
[Please Note that SEA does not take an official stance on Molinism. Members can hold to Molinism or reject it. We do have some members who hold to Molinism and many who do not. Our…
Back in February, 2022, recording artist Flame (Marcus Gray) shared a few short posts on Facebook and Twitter about his journey out of Calvinism. (Here at SEA we have had a few past posts mentioning…
Please click on the link to read Chris Bounds, “Four Views of Salvation, Part 3: Other Views on Salvation on the Spectrum,” available online from Holy Joys. Chris Bounds is Dean and Professor of the…
Please click on the link to read Chris Bounds, “Four Views of Salvation, Part 2: Semi-Augustinianism and Augustinianism,” available online from Holy Joys. Chris Bounds is Dean and Professor of the School of Theology &…
Please click on the link to read Chris Bounds, “Four Views of Salvation, Part 1: Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism,” available online from Holy Joys. Chris Bounds is Dean and Professor of the School of Theology &…
Please click on the link to view B. J. Oropeza, “Predestination in Acts 13:48? “’Those Who Were Appointed to Eternal Life Believed’”
Back in February of 2022, we stopped adding material to this website for the most part because of problems we were having with the site. We had to do some major work on the site…
[This post first appeared at] “Such is the freedom of his will; free only to evil; free to “drink in iniquity like water;” to wander farther and farther from the living God, and do…
Brian Abasciano’s new book is out — Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:19-24: An Intertextual and Theological Exegesis, JSNTSup/LNTS, 429; London: T&T Clark, 2022. It is out this month in electronic format…
Posting has been paused for the last five months or so for the purpose of fixing our website. Well, we are on the cusp of the necessary work on the website beginning. Hopefully, we will…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or Spotify or Stitcher. In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner teaches through the Book of Revelation. This is the thirty fifth episode…
If you cannot see the players above follow this link: Apple Podcasts or Spotify or Stitcher. In this series of podcasts Dr. Vic Reasoner teaches through the Book of Revelation. This is the thirty fourth episode…