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Alvin Plantinga, “Bait and Switch: Sam Harris on Free Will”

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Alvin Plantinga, “Bait and Switch: Sam Harris on Free Will” — [Editor’s note: The author expresses doubt that Calvin held to determinism, but he certainly did. See e.g., Calvin’s Institutes, I.xvi.8; I.xviii; and his…

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Another Calvinist Misrepresentation of Arminianism

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Another Calvinist Misrepresentation of Arminianism written by Roger E Olson, PhD As anyone knows who comes here regularly, I am a self-appointed defender of the truth about classical Arminianism. That often brings me into conflict…

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Back in Business

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After much tinkering, our website is finally mostly back in order. All of our former material has been transferred from the old platform to the new one, though unfortunately the dates of many (but not all or…

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Calvinist Advocating Free Will?

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A little theological humor: Calvinist Kenny Halperman (right) suddenly regretted joining the “Free William Taylor” protest march. (Humor from You can find the picture with the caption together in the attachment: Calvinist Advocating Free Will (the caption is…

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