Back in Business

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After much tinkering, our website is finally mostly back in order. All of our former material has been transferred from the old platform to the new one, though unfortunately the dates of many (but not all or even necessarily most) posts have been changed. It has been a long arduous process, and still on-going to some degree (which I will get back to), but we are now in a place where we will be publishing new material again, of which we have plenty. I will be publishing an article/post every weekday, now at 7 am.

This week we will be publishing material about the John 3:16 conference. We weren’t able announce the conference or  publish some of these right after it due to the platform change, but we are happy to showcase them now. Please enjoy.

The remaining problem we will be working on is links. Due to the change of platforms, the links to the site’s material will often be different than before, which means that old links to the site will no longer work (sorry for that).* This also means that we have some problems with broken links on the site. We are working on that, but please report any that you may find using our contact email: [email protected]. We thank you for your assistance and for your continued support.

Continue to pray for us, for the betterment of biblical teaching within the Church, and the proclamation of the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Bless you all. Amen.

-Martin Glynn, member of SEA executive committee and site publisher


*On the old platform, the url would be based on both the author and the title. So this post would have been Now, even the old links, urls will just be the title. So this post is I hope this helps anyone now having to update links to our site.