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Roger Olson, “A Non-Calvinist, Relational View of God’s Sovereignty”

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I gave this talk at this week’s Missio Alliance gathering in Alexandria, Virginia. For those who are watching me carefully (from the Arminian camp) I must say I make no claim for this being “the” Arminian view. It is simply my view and I’m an Arminian.

“A Relational View of God’s Sovereignty” by Roger E. Olson

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Calvinist Quotes on God Determining All Evil

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Click on the link: Calvinist Quotes on God Determining All Evil Note: The author speaks very strongly against Calvinism in some of his commentary on the quotes. Please remember that the views expressed in individual posts are…

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Arminianism & the Good News of Jesus Christ

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by The Remonstrant In contrast with Calvinism, I believe it may be said that Arminianism is a more apt ‘nickname’ for the good news of Jesus Christ.  Arminianism not only affirms the indiscriminate nature of…

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Predestination and God’s Sovereignty

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This post is taken from Seedbed and written by James E Pedlar* Beginning in the early days of the Methodist Revival, John Wesley’s position on predestination became a controversial issue. His friend and partner in…

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Arminian Denominations

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My List of “Approved Denominations” by Roger E. Olson Very frequently I receive e-mails from individuals (and some have asked here) for help finding a church. Often what they mean is–a denomination. I can hardly…

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The 2013 John 3:16 Conference eBook

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You can download the free eBook from the 2013 John 3:16 Conference in either ePub or PDF format from SBC Today: ePub Download PDF Download MOBI/Kindle Download Or in pdf format from this site: 2013 John…

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A Demonstration Against Calvinism

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[Taken from:] With the recent publication of Michael Horton’s For Calvinism, along with Roger Olson’s reply Against Calvinism—both with Zondervan (2011)—the Calvinism/Arminianism debate has once again been vaulted front and center in evangelical circles. Horton and Olson are…

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Working Through Romans 9

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Working Through Romans 9 written by SEA member, Roy Ingle No doubt Calvinists come to Romans 9 and they read into the text “unconditional election unto salvation” all through the text. One Calvinist brother stated…

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Romans 5:15

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Romans 5:15

This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle

But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. Romans 5:15

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