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We are moving our private discussion group to a new site/platform

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We are moving our private discussion group to a new site/platform. So if you are a member of SEA, please make sure you make the move to stay in active membership. And for those of you who are not members, this is a good time to think about joining. You can apply for membership here:

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4 Questions 4 Calvinists

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1. If Calvinism were true, what is the point of the Final Judgment for the unbeliever? It would be like me walking into a courtroom and the judge telling me that I get a life…

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Church History Course

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The following course is a basic overview of Church History from an Arminian perspective, taught by Will Riddle of Kingdom Change ministries, and longtime member of SEA. The course does not focus primarily on Arminian…

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Dallas Willard, “God and the Problem of Evil”

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Taken from:  There are very few people who do not ask “Why?” when confronted with the terrible things that have happened in history and continue to happen day by day. This is because we…

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Arminius on Actual Sins

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Arminius on Actual Sins

submitted by SEA member, Roy Ingle




I. As divines and philosophers are often compelled, on account of a penury of words, to distinguish those which are synonymous, and to receive others in a stricter or more ample signification than their nature and etymology will allow; so in this matter of actual sin, although the term applies also to the first sin of Adam, yet, for the sake of a more accurate distinction, they commonly take it for that sin which man commits, through the corruption of his nature, from the time where he knows how to use reason; and they define it thus: “Something thought, spoken or done against the law of God; or the omission of something which has been commanded by that law to be thought, spoken or done.” Or, with more brevity, “Sin is the transgression of the law;” which St. John has explained in this compound word anomia “anomy.” (1 John iii, 4.)

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H. Orton Wiley on the Universal Scope of the Atonement

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H. Orton Wiley on the Universal Scope of the Atonement

provided by SEA member Roy Ingle

The following is taken from Dr. H. Orton Wiley’s book Introduction to Christian Theology (pp. 234-235):

The atonement is universal. This does not mean that all mankind will be unconditionally saved, but that the sacrifice offering of Christ so far satisfied the claims of the divine law as to make salvation a possibility for all. Redemption is therefore universal or general in the provisional sense, but special or conditional in its application to the individual.

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