Dana Steele, “Paths to Apostasy”

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When I began reconsidering Calvinism in 2016, by far the hardest doctrine to let go of for me was Perseverance and Preservation of the saints or Unconditional Eternal Security of the Believer.  I know Baptist frequently divide over Limited Atonement and some equivocate on Unconditional Election and Irresistible Grace, but the P of TULIP is a cherished common ground among most of the Baptists I know.  So when I finally concluded the Bible did not teach the U-L-I of TULIP, I was compelled to also abandon the cherished P.  After 35 years a Calvinist, this decision cost me my ministry and eventually my church (not once but twice), as well as close fellowship with many dear brothers and sisters.  The following is the compilation of a journal I began 8 years ago on the subject which I have continued to revise as I learn more about the subject.  I was encouraged to share it with you now.  I hope some will find my perspective, which I call Conditional Security, helpful as you wrestle with this controversial subject.

Paths to Apostasy