On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following is a…
Sovereignty of God
Kevin Timpe, Review of Guillaume Bignon, Excusing Sinners and Blaming God: A Calvinist Assessment of Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Divine Involvement in Evil
Please click on the link to view Kevin Timpe, Review of Guillaume Bignon, Excusing Sinners and Blaming God: A Calvinist Assessment of Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Divine Involvement in Evil (Princeton Theological Monograph Series; Eugene:…
Responding to the Problem of Moral Evil
When the atheist asks– “If God exists how can he allow evils like rape, theft and murder to exist?”– it is critical to take note of the fact that the atheist is working off the…
“Why Doesn’t God Stop Evil”
A clip from Ravi Zacharias
This clip was recently shared on our Facebook page. It is a powerful demonstration of why understanding God and understanding the Bible needs to be done through a lens of our relationship with Him.
Ken Schenck, “Believing God’s Promises (A Study in Hebrews)”
1 John 5:10-11: The Death Knell of Calvinism
Originally published by StriderMTB. 1 John 5:10-11 states: “Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the…
I Kings 12:24 – Is Free Will or God the Causative Agent in Rebellion Against Him?
This post is a discussion between some members of The Society of Evangelical Arminians. Members will not be identified by name but rather by a letter. ‘Thus says the LORD, You shall not go up…
God’s Will in Heaven and on Earth
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructs us to pray, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matthew 6.10 Often this gets translated “on earth as it is in…
An Arminian Analysis of Acts 13:48 as Covenant Transfer
Originally published by StriderMTB at: A Theology in Tension Acts 13:48 is considered by many to be one of the strongest verses in defense of Calvinism’s view of individual election. We read, “And when the Gentiles…
Roger Olson, “Again with ‘Good God’ and Calvinism”
Throughout the years of this blog (and before and outside of it) I have wrestled with people objecting most strenuously to my contention that true, historical, consistent Calvinism undermines the goodness of God. If God foreordains…
Roy Ingle, “Did God Cause The Fall of Man?”
The debate over the sovereignty of God often takes a strange turn whenever you begin to discuss the issue as it concerns the fall of humanity into sin. No one in the entire Christian world…
Predestination and Free Will in Romans 9 – 11, by Mako A. Nagasawa
Editor’s Note: Mako Nagasawa does not formally identify as Arminian, but his essay is a good representation of the narrative understanding of election shared by many Arminians. Romans 9 – 11 is sometimes taken as…
Arminius – Nine Theological Questions
THE NINE QUESTIONS: NINE OPPOSITE QUESTIONS 1. Which is first, Election, or Faith Truly Foreseen, so that God elected his people according to faith foreseen? 1. Is the decree “for bestowing Faith on any one,”…
Roy Ingle, “Do Arminians Truly Embrace God’s Sovereignty?”
One of the attacks often aimed toward Arminian theology is that Arminians do not believe in the sovereignty of God. It is argued by Calvinists that their theology embraces the absolute sovereignty of God in…
Hilary Yancey, “My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering”
The birth of my child transformed my view of the “problem of pain” and divine foreknowledge. Please click on the link to view Hilary Yancey, “My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering.”
Dr. Roger Olson, “Does God Always Get His Way?”
Dr. Olson laying out the importance of distinguishing God antecedent will with His consequent will. Does God Always Get His Way?
Martin Glynn, “William Lane Craig Gets Arminianism A Bit Wrong”
I often listen to Dr. William Lane Craig’s podcasts, both his general podcast and his Defenders class. They are very informative and I highly recommend them. In his most recent Defenders class, as of the…
Book Review: Free Will Revisited by Robert Picirilli
Opening my inbox, I saw an email that caused me to pause. The subject line was Arminian Theology and the author was Robert Picirilli. Expecting anything but an email from the noted theologian of that name, I clicked…
Brief Video: J. Warner Wallace, “How Can We Reconcile God’s Sovereignty with Man’s Free Will?”
J. Warner Wallace is interviewed by Brittany Valadez about the complex relationship between God’s sovereign knowledge and man’s free agency. If God is in control, how can humans truly experience free will?The video can also…
Adam Omelianchuk, “A Response to Theological Fatalism”
I had the privilege of taking a class with William Lane Craig on divine omniscience this past January and he had us respond to this argument by the Open Theist philosopher William Hasker: It is now true that…