Sometimes when Calvinists are faced with a conundrum, they will invoke two wills in God, in which there is a “Revealed Will” and a “Secret Will.” The former is intended for man, and does not…
Sovereignty of God
“Do You Call Salvation a Miracle?”
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Video: Wesleyan-Arminian Theologizing, Theodicy, and Polemics – A Conversation with Richie Clark
The video below can also be accessed on YouTube at
Roy Ingle, “And Speaking of Eternal Decrees”
Having been on the subject of Calvinism’s concept of omnicausality, Dr. Roger Olson challenged Calvinists over at the Society of Evangelical Arminians concerning the controversial book, The Shack. Olson points out that many Calvinists such as John…
Roy Ingle, “God and History”
“Who is like Me? Let him proclaim and declare it; Yes, let him recount to Me in order, from the time that I established the ancient nation. And let them declare to them the things…
Richard Coords, “Salvation”
For mankind, getting to Heaven is not a reward for the righteous but a gift for the guilty. Consider who a pardon is for. Typically, it’s not for those who have never done anything wrong.…
J. Munch and David Sengel, “Does Arminian Theology Allow for Biblical Inerrancy?”
Biblical Inerrancy and Arminianism In the early 20th century, Protestantism witnessed a re-emergence of debate surrounding the concept of inerrancy, prompted by rationalist critiques of the Bible.1 In evangelical circles, the 1978 Chicago Declaration on Biblical Inerrancy marked…
Steve Lemke on Irresistible Grace and Jesus’ Lament Over Jerusalem
Steve Lemke: “For example, hear again Jesus’s lament over Jerusalem: ‘Jerusalem, Jerusalem! [The city] who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together,…
Roy Ingle, “Divine Determinism and Adam’s Sin”
Calvinist often deplore the Arminian argument concerning Adam’s transgression, but we Arminians often turn to this because it is the first sin in the Bible and it produced the world that we live in (Romans…
Video: 1 Corinthians 10:13 and the Ability to Do Otherwise
SEA member Dan Chapa and Calvinist Colton Carlson discuss 1 Corinthians 10:13 and the ability to do otherwise in the video below, which can also be accessed on YouTube at
Richard Coords, “Purpose”
Is abortion God’s will? According to Calvinists, the answer is yes, in as much as everything that comes to pass is—in some way—God’s will, in which everything that God decrees must have a set “purpose.”…
Richard Coords, “Puppets”
On the one hand, Calvinists will often argue (using passages like Romans 9:20-21) that mankind has as much control over how he believes and behaves as a piece of clay has over its own shape,…
Richard Coords, “Prophecy”
Prophecy involves divine omniscience. It’s supernatural because it’s the ability of God to know beforehand what free creatures are going to do. If prophecy was instead only a matter of God knowing what He unilaterally…
Richard Coords, “The Prodigal Son”
The parable of the Prodigal Son of Luke delivers some interesting theology. It (a) corrects the Calvinist concept of spiritual death to mean separation—not a corpse in a tomb, (b) shows how everyone is 100%…
Richard Coords, “Problem of Evil”
One way that Atheists assail Christianity is by asking rhetorical questions like: “Given all of the evil and misery in this world, if there really was a God, how could he be good?” So, then,…
Wayne Jackson, “God’s Providential Use of Nations”
Every serious Bible student knows that God has moved in international affairs across the centuries. But does he do so still today? This brief article probes this question. Please click on the link to view Wayne…
J. D. Walt, “I Will Harden Pharaoh’s Heart—On Sovereignty, Freedom, and the Will of God”
PRAYER OF CONSECRATION Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Jesus, I belong to you. I lift up my heart to you. I set my mind on you. I…
Reconciling God’s Goodness with a Troubled World
Please click on the link to view “Reconciling God’s Goodness with a Troubled World.”
Roy Ingle, “The Providence of God In the Murder of Jesus”
John Piper, in his book Spectacular Sins, points out that God used the greatest sin in the Bible, the betrayal and murder of Jesus Christ, for His own purposes and for our eternal salvation. He is…
Video: Arminian Review of the Open Theism Debate Between Calvinist James White and Open Theist Tim Barber
SEA members Chris Bastedo, Richard Ellis, and Dan Chapa review the recent debate on “Does God know the future exhaustively and perfectly?” between Calvinist James White and Open Theist Tim Barber. We bring an Arminian…