Scripture Index

Seedbed Resources on the Book of Romans

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Please click on the link to view some of Seedbed’s Resources on the Book of Romans. The post gathers together videos from 3 of the world’s leading New Testament scholars who all address different aspects of Romans.

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Craig L. Adams, “Calvin on John 3:16”

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 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” — John 3:16 (NRSV). JOHN CALVIN COMMENTS: “’That whosoever believeth on…

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Isaiah 5:4 and Sufficient Grace

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I was recently asked to comment on Isaiah 5:4 and how I thought it supported resistible grace. (link) Here’s the passage in context: 1 Now let me sing to my Well-beloved A song of my…

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