Please click on the link to view Adam Roe, “The Crucial Thread of Prevenient Grace: A Wesleyan Perspective on Divine Drawing,” Firebrand (April 9, 2024)

, SEA , Comment Closed
Please click on the link to view Adam Roe, “The Crucial Thread of Prevenient Grace: A Wesleyan Perspective on Divine Drawing,” Firebrand (April 9, 2024)
, AndrewH , Comment Closed
This YouTube video was published March 9, 2023: From the description: In this video I survey some of the passages that describe the pre-regenerating work of the Holy Spirit (prevenient grace).
, Steve Sewell , Comment Closed
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you…
Regarding the Calvinist claims that the “all” of John 12:32 actually means “all kinds….” Why would John the Evangelist craft his gospel to emphasise that God wants “all KINDS” of people to be saved–as if…
, Patron , No Comment
Before examining some of the other Calvinists “proof texts” for irresistible regeneration, we will take a moment to deal with a common Calvinist objection to the Arminian appeal to Jn. 12:32 as an example of universal “drawing”.
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, AndrewH, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed
, SEA, Comment Closed