There are two false assumptions I see online repeatedly regarding original guilt: That if you hold to total depravity or original sin, then you must also hold to original guilt. (false) That there are only…

There are two false assumptions I see online repeatedly regarding original guilt: That if you hold to total depravity or original sin, then you must also hold to original guilt. (false) That there are only…
Calvinist often deplore the Arminian argument concerning Adam’s transgression, but we Arminians often turn to this because it is the first sin in the Bible and it produced the world that we live in (Romans…
Please click on the link to view Mark Ellis, Simon Episcopius’ Doctrine of Original Sin (New York: Peter Lang, 2006). Author’s abstract: Simon Episcopius (1583-1643), who began his theological career as the protégé of Jacobus…
This video may be found at this link on YouTube: Defending Arminianism is a mini series in which Lucas Curcio and Dan Chapa defend and give a positive case for the essential Arminian doctrines…
[This post first appeared at] In a previous post, I shared some excerpts from Rev. Richard Watson stating that the origin of depravity was due to the withdrawing of the Spirit of God from man. I mentioned there…
Did Arminius affirm “original sin?” What effect did Arminius think Adam’s sin had on later humankind? Here are a few excerpts from The Works of James Arminius: In Volume 2, Disputation 31 “On the Effects…
Please click on the link to open: Three_Theological_Positions_of_Jacobus_A
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following…
THE NINE QUESTIONS: NINE OPPOSITE QUESTIONS 1. Which is first, Election, or Faith Truly Foreseen, so that God elected his people according to faith foreseen? 1. Is the decree “for bestowing Faith on any one,”…
INTRODUCTION Wesleyans are often surprised to discover how Reformed John Wesley is in his understanding of original sin and salvation. Conversely, many Calvinists are forced to re-evaluate their simplistic caricatures of Wesley as they examine…
A Calvinist, attempting to explain an origin for sin that leaves God blameless, linked me John Piper’s “Where Did Satan’s First Desire For Evil Come From?“…a promising title, to be sure, since that’s a question Arminians…
Please click on the link to view David Bentley Hart, “Traditio Deformis.”
BEN: The issue of how to interpret the phrase ‘only begotten of the Father’ has bedeviled Christological debates forever it seems. Is this Scriptural notion the basis of Arminius and various his successors arguing that…
Calvinists often accuse Arminians of being Pelagian, or Semi-pelagian at best, when it comes to original sin and the depravity of man. And it’s no wonder, as many Calvinist websites paint quite an inaccurate picture…
The doctrine of original sin, to define the issue very simply, maintains that the effects of Adam and Eve’s sin, which is known as the first human sin, were passed ontologically (related to being or…
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26 Calvinists interpret…
Who would guess that the ancient heresy of Pelagianism would rear its head again in our generation in the context of the sexual revolution? Yet there it is, underlying a significant argument for the legitimacy…
This is the fourth video in a fantastic series of lectures by Dr. Keith Stanglin and Dr. Thomas McCall on who Jacob Arminius was, and what he believed. McCall and Stranglin wrote the book Jacob…
This exposition discusses the earliest, historical beliefs of the Arminian theological tradition regarding the effects of the fall upon man, the nature of the will of man and the mode of grace in salvation. The…
The article was originally published in Integrity 2 (2003) 121-139, and is posted here with permission by the author. Pinson on Arminius