H. Orton Wiley on Prevenient Grace Extended quotation provided by SEA member Roy Ingle PREVENIENT GRACE Before taking up the discussion of prevenient grace, it may be well to call attention to the fact that…

H. Orton Wiley on Prevenient Grace Extended quotation provided by SEA member Roy Ingle PREVENIENT GRACE Before taking up the discussion of prevenient grace, it may be well to call attention to the fact that…
Please click on the link to view Eric Geiger, “THE FAITH OF A SERVANT OR A SON?”
My immediately preceding post about how the “gospel” of Christian moralism has largely replaced the true gospel and where Calvinism and Arminianism agree provoked some questions and disagreements. Let me reiterate here my firm belief…
I swear this is the truth: If it weren’t for an avalanche of unfair attacks on and misrepresentations of Arminian theology by Calvinists during the 1990s I would never have set out on my crusade…
In the last post I shared some of my thoughts on the sequence of events in salvation. I compared these events to a chemical reaction in which a person that is condemned to death is…
SEA members Micah and A.J. Currado have put together this video presentation on the meaning of the biblical concept of being dead in sin. Please note that at the beginning it might seem like they…
How can we obtain the basis of love which unites our will with God’s will? How can we be made to possess that which we are not possessed of, by being made to love that…
From the video’s YouTube page: “Dr. Charles Gutenson here outlines John Wesley’s order of salvation—that work of God which begins with prevenient grace and ends with glorifying grace.” A brief bio from Seedbed on Dr.…
Like divine sovereignty as we previously discussed here, predestination is not a Calvinist doctrine, it is a biblical doctrine. And indeed, as a theologian steeped in Scripture, Wesley not only affirmed the doctrine, he affirmed a…
Please click on the link to view John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?” A John Piper article on the Society of Evangelical Arminians website? Yes indeed, for in addressing the question, “Is faith meritorious?” he gives an Arminian…
[Editor’s note: SEA does not necessarily agree with any comments by the author of this post to the effect that Tim Keller, John Piper, or any particular Calvinists are intentionally misleading or disingenuous in their…
By David Martinez On the night of Wednesday, August 27, 2014, Arminians squared off against Calvinists at Missio Dei Church in Chicago for a theological debate. The participants were: Brian Zahnd and Austin Fischer (Arminians)…
[This post was taken from SBCToday where the original post and comments can be found.] Ed’s. note: SBCToday became aware of Doug Sayers through this blog site. His notation of being a former Calvinist piqued…
I was recently asked to comment on Isaiah 5:4 and how I thought it supported resistible grace. (link) Here’s the passage in context: 1 Now let me sing to my Well-beloved A song of my…
The Canons of Dort say Christ acquired faith for us by His death (Point 2, article 8).1 The significance of this seemly minor point is that Christ buying the condition of the covenant effectively changes the…
FAQ: Doesn’t Arminianism lead to open theism? A: Open theists and Calvinists both think so, but classical Arminianism don’t think so. According to classical Arminianism, God knows the future exhaustively–as already settled in his own mind although…
An email and my response: Hello Mr. Adams, I read with interest your comments on Calvin’s comments on John 3:16 on your web site. I was wondering what your thoughts are on Jesus’ words as…
Is the gospel message we preach a gospel of true substance? Is it entirely Biblical? Does the listener really understand the message? Does it result in genuine conversions? I believe that the gospel message that…
Please click on the link to view Ron F. Hale, “Calvin’s ‘Temporary Faith’ for the Reprobate”.
Dr. Chuck Gutenson teaches on prevenient grace and its place in the Order of Salvation as understood by John Wesley. Youtube: https://youtu.be/nG-AUaFgFbM?si=I2YzFn5miUJmBN38