
Another Calvinist Misrepresentation of Arminianism

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Another Calvinist Misrepresentation of Arminianism written by Roger E Olson, PhD As anyone knows who comes here regularly, I am a self-appointed defender of the truth about classical Arminianism. That often brings me into conflict…

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Back in Business

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After much tinkering, our website is finally mostly back in order. All of our former material has been transferred from the old platform to the new one, though unfortunately the dates of many (but not all or…

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Calvinist Advocating Free Will?

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A little theological humor: Calvinist Kenny Halperman (right) suddenly regretted joining the “Free William Taylor” protest march. (Humor from You can find the picture with the caption together in the attachment: Calvinist Advocating Free Will (the caption is…

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The Extent of Spiritual Death

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This post was written by SEA member, Pastor Christopher C. Chapman “Very, Very Dead” Calvinist Challenge: Ephesians 2:1-2 “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked…” The spirit of…

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Come on, nobody’s perfect!

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Jesus tells us that we are to be perfect as He is perfect (Matt 5:48). However, being human, it is impossible to be perfect. What do you think Jesus meant by this statement?

Here is a good example of perfection. Maybe it is close to what Jesus was meaning. A piano student practices day and night on a musical piece until he can execute it without error. His piano teacher would say that he plays “perfectly.” However, if he hasn’t moved on and is still playing the same piece a year later, he is no longer perfect.

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