On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…

On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
[This post was originally published on Roy Ingle’s website in 2009. So these books have been around for quite a while. But some of them are still especially notable, namely Four Views on Eternal Security, The…
I will have to admit that many of the Calvinists who e-mail me or write comments on my blog posts are gracious and loving even if they disagree with me. Not all of them are…
In this debate, Jim Pearl takes the affirmative, that Calvinism is biblical, and he debates SEA member Chris Bastedo. SEA member Dan Chapa moderates. The video below may also be accessed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YwH55lIbqdY.
[This post is from 2008, and so Ingle might provide a different list if he were to write this today. But this list still seems worthy of considering. Updating editorial comments have been provided in…
Currently downloadable at Archive.org is the contents of a CD full of original and hard to find Wesleyan texts, not least the works of Wesley himself, that can be accessed at this link. Here is…
SEA members Dan Chapa and Christopher Bastedo discuss how to communicate Arminian Theology. The video may be viewed on YouTube through this link.
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
SEA’s YouTube channel may be accessed through this link. The channel’s welcome message can be viewed below:
Please click on the link to view Clayton Sidenbender, “How a Small US Evangelical Seminary Is Defying the Odds.” The subhead of the article reads: “The school, which has grown 500% in 6 years, was…
O God of burning, cleansing flame, Send the Fire Your blood-bought gift today we claim, Send the Fire Today! God of Elijah, hear our cry, Send the Fire And make us fit to live or…
Please click on the link to view “The Equivocal Doctrine of the Love of God: A Critique of D. A. Carson’s The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God” by Arminius Redivivus.
Back in February of 2022, we stopped adding material to this website for the most part because of problems we were having with the site. We had to do some major work on the site…
Posting has been paused for the last five months or so for the purpose of fixing our website. Well, we are on the cusp of the necessary work on the website beginning. Hopefully, we will…
Posting has been paused for the last month or so (except for the Fundamental Wesleyan Society podcast posts on Thursdays) for the purpose of fixing our website. It looks like posting will be paused for…
As you might have noticed, our website has been having trouble for a while now. It has gotten bad enough that we have to do some serious work on the site to fix it, perhaps…
Please see the attachment here: Forlines on the Arts_ In describing the profound impact of F. Leroy Forlines (1926-2020) on students, pastors, and laypeople, one writer said that “his most valuable contribution was a…
Breaking free from any views we hold is often very difficult for us. Few Democrats ever become Republicans without years of thought. Few Baptists ever become Presbyterians without something or someone influencing them in such…
Arminianism is often given a bad reputation but not because those who oppose Arminianism necessarily find fault with the theology itself as much as they find fault with the presentation of so called Arminianism in…
Please click on the link to view Justin Taylor, “A Guide for Christian Leaders in the Time of Coronavirus.” It is basically a summary of a longer, more detailed document by Andy Crouch.