Given Arminius’ Reformed context, he argues for the Reformed teaching of Justification by Faith alone, or sola fide. Mark Jones, writing for Reformation21, quotes Herman Witsius to the effect, “Arminius, by his subtlety, frames vain…
Charles Edward White, “Does God Call All the Shots?”
Please see below or click on the attachment to view Charles Edward White, “Does God Call All the Shots?” Light and Life (July/August 2003), pp. 29-31. Does God Call All the Shots? By Charles Edward White …
Mike Barlotta – Augustine’s Evolving Views on Free Will
Augustine (354-430) is considered one of the most influential Christian theologians and philosophers. In the Parchment and Pen Top 10 theologian series, he was ranked #1. As a young man, Augustine studied rhetoric. During his…
Robert E. Picirilli, “Toward a Non-Deterministic Theology of Divine Providence”
Robert E. Picirilli, “Toward a Non-Deterministic Theology of Divine Providence,” Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry (Spring 2014) Volume 11.1, 38-61. (The original article and the entire journal issue in which it appeared may be found here.)…
Steve Sewell, “God’s Plan of Election (Commentary on Romans 9 – Part Two)”
Scripture quotations are from the English Majority Text Version (EMTV) unless noted otherwise. Does God Harden Hearts? (Still addressing verses 17 and 18): 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose…
Steve Sewell, “God’s Plan of Election (Commentary on Romans 9 – Part One)”
Scripture quotations are from the English Majority Text Version (EMTV) unless noted otherwise. Introduction Romans 9 is a very controversial chapter, but it shouldn’t be. All through the Word of God we learn about all…
Fred Sanders, “Salvation and the Mission of God”
In this 2 part article, Wesleyan-Arminian scholar Dr. Fred Sanders talks about what Scripture says regarding the order of salvation and the atonement (part 1) and evangelism and cooperation in ministry (part 2). Please click on the…
Heaven: A New Message from Billy Graham
You can watch the video here on our site or at this link to the video on YouTube.
Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism* Part One”
I have invited other interested persons to join me in this series. I will post occasional (tentatively about one chapter per week) reviews and others who read the book are welcome to agree, disagree, add…
God’s Sovereign Choice
“You Arminians deny the sovereignty of God and you want all the credit for your salvation. You want man to play his part so that God doesn’t get all the glory.” These are common arguments…
The Gospel’s Freedom – Colossians 1:13-14
The apostle’s prayer in verses 9-12 is followed by a statement about the Gospel’s effect on his readers’ lives. They have been: rescued from the power of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of God’s…
Please click on the link to view Eric Geiger, “THE FAITH OF A SERVANT OR A SON?”
Currado’s – Video Explanation of “Dead in Sins”
SEA members Micah and A.J. Currado have put together this video presentation on the meaning of the biblical concept of being dead in sin. Please note that at the beginning it might seem like they…
Charles Gutenson, “John Wesley’s Order of Salvation: Seven Minute Seminary”
From the video’s YouTube page: “Dr. Charles Gutenson here outlines John Wesley’s order of salvation—that work of God which begins with prevenient grace and ends with glorifying grace.” A brief bio from Seedbed on Dr.…
Jerry Walls, “Divine Predestination and Human Freedom”
Like divine sovereignty as we previously discussed here, predestination is not a Calvinist doctrine, it is a biblical doctrine. And indeed, as a theologian steeped in Scripture, Wesley not only affirmed the doctrine, he affirmed a…
J. Matthew Pinson, “A Problem in Calvinism’s Order of Salvation”
In Calvinism, Regeneration comes before faith, whereas in Arminianism regeneration comes after faith. In other words, the “timing” of what Scripture describes as the “new birth” is decisive in the debate between Calvinism and Arminianism.…
John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?”
Please click on the link to view John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?” A John Piper article on the Society of Evangelical Arminians website? Yes indeed, for in addressing the question, “Is faith meritorious?” he gives an Arminian…
Craig L. Adams, “Calvin on John 3:16”
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” — John 3:16 (NRSV). JOHN CALVIN COMMENTS: “’That whosoever believeth on…
Christ Redeemed Faith
The Canons of Dort say Christ acquired faith for us by His death (Point 2, article 8).1 The significance of this seemly minor point is that Christ buying the condition of the covenant effectively changes the…
Addressing Two Really Bad Calvinist Objections
There are two objections from the Calvinist side against Arminians and Molinists which are really so terrible, I’m struggling to make a blog post of decent length about them. They’re such simple mistakes that they…