By far Arminius’ fiercest opponent was Francis Gomarus (1563-1641), a supralapsarian Calvinist whose intent at Leiden was to undermine and challenge Arminius’ broadly Reformed scholastic orthodoxy. Arminius was drawn into debate with Gomarus by obligation,…
Author/Scholar Index: Calvinist

Nathan Finn, “Is Synergism Necessarily Semi-Pelagian?”
Please click on the link to view Nathan Finn, “Is Synergism Necessarily Semi-Pelagian?” Finn is a Calvinist who serves as Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Spiritual Formation at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North…
Arminius vs. Perkins: Arminius’ Finger on the Pulse of Perseverance
I think Arminian scholars Keith Stanglin and Thomas McCall are correct in suggesting that “most scholars agree that Arminius taught that true believers can fall away.”1 The authors acknowledge that, for some readers, Arminius himself…

Rich Davis, “The “C” in Calvinism?”
In 2009 Time magazine ran a story entitled “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now” (Thursday, March 12). Not surprisingly, the top two spots were occupied by new trend setting thinking on career/workplace and life…

Dekker and Muller on Middle Knowledge in Arminius’ Theology
The following quotes are taken from Eef Dekker’s Was Arminius a Molinist? The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 337-352. Arminius: The knowledge of God is a faculty of his life, which…

James White’s Testimony on His Conversion to Calvinism
Calvinist James White says: “When I read The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul, I was just overwhelmed with this sense of God’s holiness, His power, His transcendence, and yet His condescension, the gospel, and…

Book Review: Whomever He Wills — Chapter 3: Unconditional Election
Dr. Andrew Davis wrote chapter three of Whomever He Wills: A Surprising Display of Sovereign Mercy,1 which counters Dr. Richard Land’s chapter in Whosoever Will: A Biblical-Theological Critique of Five-Point Calvinism, called “Congruent Election.” Two…

Charles Edward White, “Does God Call All the Shots?”
Please see below or click on the attachment to view Charles Edward White, “Does God Call All the Shots?” Light and Life (July/August 2003), pp. 29-31. Does God Call All the Shots? By Charles Edward White …

Brian Abasciano, “A Reply to James White Concerning His Faulty Treatment of the Greek and Context of Acts 13:48”
[For a pdf of this article, see here.] James White responded to my brief article, “James White’s Faulty Treatment of the Greek and Context of Acts 13:48” on his “Dividing Line” radio program of March 8,…

Brian Abasciano, James White’s Faulty Treatment of the Greek and Context of Acts 13:48
by Brian Abasciano Here are some comments I made in the Society of Evangelical Arminians private discussion group on James White’s treatment of Acts 13:48 in his book The Potter’s Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation…

Charles Edward White, “John Calvin’s Five-point Misunderstanding of Romans 9: An Intertextual Analysis”
Please click on the attachment to view Charles Edward White, “John Calvin’s five-point misunderstanding of Romans 9: An Intertextual Analysis,” Wesleyan Theological Journal 41 (Fall 2006) 28-50.

Mike Barlotta – Augustine’s Evolving Views on Free Will
Augustine (354-430) is considered one of the most influential Christian theologians and philosophers. In the Parchment and Pen Top 10 theologian series, he was ranked #1. As a young man, Augustine studied rhetoric. During his…

James Anderson, “Libertarian Calvinism?” and “Libertarian Reformed Baptists?”
Calvinism’s standard position is exhaustive divine determinism, that God unconditionally decreed all things, including sin and evil, every sin, every evil act, every thought, motive, desire, mood, decision, everything. One standard criticism of Calvinism is…

John Piper Tweets the Atonement
On someone’s Facebook page, I find that John Piper tweets the following: “Christ purchased holiness for the [unconditionally] elect. ‘For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified.’ (John 17:19)” When one…

Romans 9 in the Wider Context of Pauline Thought
In a recent essay, I argued that John Piper fails in his attempt to reconcile the doctrine that God desires all to be saved with the doctrine of unconditional election. However, one may reply that…

Tim Keller and D.A. Carson: Prime Examples of the Gumby Theology of Calvinism
Gumby—a green clay humanoid character that can twist and turn to get out of every predicament. A great toy it makes; a great theologian it does not. There is no greater theological imperative today then…

Some Helpful Replies from Austin Fischer to Objections to His Recent Post on Calvinism Not Being Beautiful
Here are some helpful comments Austin Fischer made in the comment thread of his recent post “Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed a Year Later: Calvinism (Still) Isn’t Beautiful” at his blog (the post can be found on this…

Essay in a Book Edited by John Piper Claims that God Brings About the Sexual Abuse of Children
In a book edited by John Piper, Calvinist philosopher Mark R. Talbot writes: God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn…

Roger Olson, “Review of Oliver Crisp’s *Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology* Part Five”
This is Part Five of my series of review essays of Oliver Crisp’s new book Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology and deals with Chapter 5 : Universalism and Particularism.” I invite those reading the book…

Michael Bird on Distinguished Arminian Theologian Thomas C. Oden’s Autobiography *A Change of Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir*
Please click on the link to view Michael Bird’s review of distinguished Arminian Theologian Thomas C. Oden’s Autobiography A Change of Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir.