One thing I’ve often noticed when speaking with Calvinists is that they seem to uphold an understanding of themselves as credible deliberators between Arminianism and Calvinism, especially when it comes to sharing their theology with…
Answering Greg Elmquist’s “Four Unanswerable Questions”
The content of this post was authored by J.C. Thibodaux and is posted on his behalf. I came across a writing some time back by Pastor Greg Elmquist called, ‘Four Unanswerable Questions,’ which I’ve seen…
The New Perspective and the Development of Reformed Doctrine
The New Perspective on Paul is a development that has taken place over the last few decades in biblical studies, regarding the background and context against which the New Testament, and the writings of the…
Synod of Dort (Part Three)
“Because the members of the regular provincial Synods could not be long absent from their respective congregations, such galloping commissions as these, endowed with ample powers, were appointed to traverse every province in which Arminianism…
Synod of Dort (Part Two)
It was the “ardent wish of the Calvinists only to have the company of those choice spirits of other countries that would readily coalesce with themselves in devising measures to crush Arminianism. To obtain the…
Synod of Dort (Part One)
Did God, in His sovereignty and providence, spare our beloved Arminius from the shenanigans of the Synod of Dort? I would like to think so. However, did God not also care for those who defended…
John Piper Implicitly Denies Aseity
I figured the title would grab your attention for a few different reasons. First, what the heck is aseity and second, assuming you know what aseity is, what do you mean by saying Piper rejects…
A Premised Question Easily Addressed
While readying myself this morning I was browsing through a couple of blogs and a discussion board and came across an inquiry of sorts that seems to beg an entire issue rather than just a…
Examining Inconsistencies in Calvinistic Monergism Part 2: Sanctification
The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf.
Examining Inconsistencies in Calvinistic Monergism Part 1: Intercessory Prayer
The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf.
Robert E. Picirilli, “Calvinism Versus Arminianism”
Please click on the link to view Robert E. Picirilli, “Calvinism Versus Arminianism.”
Recovering a Sense of Incredulity over Calvinism
James M. Leonard I have a couple friends of mine who are preparing for ministry and working on advanced theological degrees. However, in their prior studies they had been quite insulated from the…
Non-Calvinist Audio Links
If you have tried to search for Arminian audio resources and sermons, you know that they can be quite difficult to find. Here are some helpful links. Not all of the speakers listed would accept the label “Arminian.” Some prefer to be called “non-Calvinistic” or even “moderately Calvinistic.” Regardless of the label, they all have in common a rejection of 5 point Calvinism, particularly the ULI in TULIP.
Independent Methodist Arminian Resource Center: IMARC has some great Arminian mp3 links, including: John Wesley (sermons read by Rev. D. Crossman), Dr. Vic Reasoner (editor of The Arminian Magazine), and others. “Calvinism and the Wesleyan Message” by Jerry Walls (co-author of “Why I’m not a Calvinist”) is a must listen.
Please click on the attachment to view Laurence M. Vance, “A CRITIQUE OF THE POTTER’S FREEDOM BY JAMES WHITE” (published in the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society [Spring 2003]).
Churches Beware! Calvinism on the Sly
by James M. Leonard
Calvinist churches are but a small minority; most evangelical churches are Arminian or semi-Arminian. However, the Calvinist resurgence is producing full Five Point Calvinist pastors looking for work. The resurgence is also prompting Arminian and semi-Arminian pastors to embrace Calvinism. This dynamic is the source of considerable tension in the life of the local church, not to mention in the heart of such pastors as they hold to a view which is often at odds with their churches.
Of course, this is not a problem for those Calvinistic pastors who minister within the confines denominations which are pre-committed to Calvinism. However, this is a huge problem for Calvinistic pastors who minister in theologically mixed denominations. Such denominations would include Southern Baptist Convention, General Baptist Conference, Evangelical Free Church, American Baptist Churches and others, not to mention the many independent churches.
Theology and the Slave Trade
I was recently reading the blog Ancient Christian Defender. The author Jnorm888 had a provocative post entitled Was Jonathan Edwards a racist? It is a well known fact that Edwards was a proponent of slavery,…
Why I’m Not A Calvinist
In this post I give my autobiographical and intellectual reasons for rejecting Calvinism
This is a post I have been thinking about and working on for quite some time. It is not meant to be an exhaustive critique of Calvinism or an argument for the purity of non-Calvinist theology. It is a response to the genuine inquiries of those who ask why I no longer hold to the Calvinistic “doctrines of grace” and “sovereignty of God.” Confessional intellectual autobiography and polemical discourse are the genres in which I write, and hopefully it will be apparent at which places I vacillate between the two. I have made a concerted effort to downplay the use of technical jargon, though some will be necessary. When words idiosyncratic to the issues emerge I will do my best to explain them, but I plead for grace in advance for any presumed vocabulary that may be foreign to the gentle reader.
Churches: Beware of Calvinism on the Sly
Calvinist churches are but a small minority; most evangelical churches are Arminian or semi-Arminian. However, the Calvinist resurgence is producing full Five Point Calvinist pastors looking for work. The resurgence is also prompting Arminian and semi-Arminian pastors to embrace Calvinism. This dynamic is the source of considerable tension in the life of the local church, not to mention in the heart of such pastors as they hold to a view which is often at odds with their churches.
Of course, this is not a problem for those Calvinistic pastors who minister within the confines denominations which are pre-committed to Calvinism. However, this is a huge problem for Calvinistic pastors who minister in theologically mixed denominations. Such denominations would include Southern Baptist Convention, General Baptist Conference, Evangelical Free Church, American Baptist Churches and others, not to mention the many independent churches.
Richard Watson, “Calvinism Defined”
This article was taken from
Richard Watson