People are often tempted to believe that there is some mediate option which will allow them to avoid the Calvinist/Arminian debate. This inclination comes from a commendable impulse — to hold fast to Scriptural truth…
Randolph S. Foster, Objections to Calvinism as It Is This link will take you off site. Please come back here for more reources on soteriology.
Bob Moore, “Calvinism — Ten Little Caveats”
Moore, Bob. “Calvinism — Ten Little Caveats”
This link will take you off site. Please remember to come back here for more resources on soteriolgy.
Clark H. Pinnock, “From Augustine to Arminius: A Pilgrimage in Theology”
The following essay first appeared in Clark H. Pinnock (ed.), The Grace of God and the Will of Man (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1989) pp. 15-29. This version does not include the endnotes from the original.…
Does Regeneration Precede Faith?
Which comes first, faith or regeneration? That is indeed the question. I cannot think of a more important theological issue with respect to the controversy between Calvinism and Arminianism. It is the defining feature concerning…
William R. Estep, “On Calvinism and Baptists”
Please click on the link to view William R. Estep, “On Calvinism and Baptists” The following notice about the article and its author appears on the web page on which the article may be found: Dr.…
John 3:16 and Calvinism
It has been contested that John 3.16 fits well within a Calvinistic framework. After all, as Calvinist R. C. Sproul has noted, whosoever will may come to Jesus. But, he continued, no one will ever…
Elect in Christ
From a casual reading through Ephesians, the student of Scripture can easily summize that whether or not one finds himself as one of the “elect” depends solely on his union with Christ Jesus. The phrases…
Fletcher on Being “Dead in Sin” Part 2
The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. Fletcher demonstrated that the Scriptures use the word “dead” in more than one way, and to understand the term…
John Fletcher on Being “Dead in Sin”
The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf. In my interactions with Calvinists the conversation always seems to go back to their conception of being dead in…
Calvinism And Free Will: An Exegetical Vindication of Matthew 23:37
The following post was first published at I decided to re-post it as it relates to the previous post regarding God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will. A few minor revisions have been made.
Arminians have long pointed to Matthew 23:37 to respond to the Calvinist doctrines of determinism, limited atonement, and irresistible grace.
Calvinism teaches that Christ died only for the elect (particular atonement), that he has decreed whatsoever shall come to pass in human history (determinism- no human free will as pertains to true contingencies), and that man has nothing to do with his own salvation (monergism), which necessitates their doctrine of irresistible grace.
Struggling With Regrets
Do you sometimes struggle with regrets? I certainly do. Part of the glory of Christianity is the forgiveness we have in Christ Jesus. We should never cease to rejoice in the fact that the blood…
Born Again Calvinism
One thing I’ve often noticed when speaking with Calvinists is that they seem to uphold an understanding of themselves as credible deliberators between Arminianism and Calvinism, especially when it comes to sharing their theology with…
Answering Greg Elmquist’s “Four Unanswerable Questions”
The content of this post was authored by J.C. Thibodaux and is posted on his behalf. I came across a writing some time back by Pastor Greg Elmquist called, ‘Four Unanswerable Questions,’ which I’ve seen…
The New Perspective and the Development of Reformed Doctrine
The New Perspective on Paul is a development that has taken place over the last few decades in biblical studies, regarding the background and context against which the New Testament, and the writings of the…
Synod of Dort (Part Three)
“Because the members of the regular provincial Synods could not be long absent from their respective congregations, such galloping commissions as these, endowed with ample powers, were appointed to traverse every province in which Arminianism…
Synod of Dort (Part Two)
It was the “ardent wish of the Calvinists only to have the company of those choice spirits of other countries that would readily coalesce with themselves in devising measures to crush Arminianism. To obtain the…
Synod of Dort (Part One)
Did God, in His sovereignty and providence, spare our beloved Arminius from the shenanigans of the Synod of Dort? I would like to think so. However, did God not also care for those who defended…
John Piper Implicitly Denies Aseity
I figured the title would grab your attention for a few different reasons. First, what the heck is aseity and second, assuming you know what aseity is, what do you mean by saying Piper rejects…
A Premised Question Easily Addressed
While readying myself this morning I was browsing through a couple of blogs and a discussion board and came across an inquiry of sorts that seems to beg an entire issue rather than just a…