Enjoying Consistent Calvinism

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The content of this post was authored by Ben Henshaw and is posted on his behalf.

I have recently been accused of being an inconsistent Arminian because I reject Open Theism. I find it interesting that Calvinists are so concerned with consistency seeing as how they both affirm that God causes all things and is yet somehow not the author of sin.

I admit that I love consistency. I reject Calvinism primarily because I find no support for it in the pages of Scripture, and secondarily because it is so internally inconsistent. I admire Calvinists who are not afraid to “take it in the face”, so to speak, and call God the author of sin. “Traditional” Calvinists call these types “hyper” Calvinists, but in the spirit of my recent conversation, I think it is more accurate to just call them “consistent” Calvinists.

Vincent Cheung is an example of such a bravely consistent Calvinistic fellow, and I direct my Calvinist readers to his blog to enjoy his consistency. http://www.vincentcheung.com I especially recommend The Author of Sin, Compatibilist Freedom, and Confusion in Calvinism. Enjoy.

For more fun with inconsitency within Calvinism, I recommend Objections to Calvinism As It Is. http://www.gospeltruth.net/foster_on_cal/otc_index.htm


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