What I want to say here is going to be a bit technical, so please hold your horses, but I think that this is important in terms of a particular argument that I hear from…
Roger Olson, “Is This the Best of All Possible Worlds? What I Would Think If I Were a Calvinist”
Most Calvinists I know believe in meticulous providence. Some have claimed here recently that a Calvinist does not have to believe in meticulous providence (that God plans, ordains and governs all that happens without exception).…
Roger Olson, “Do Arminians and Calvinists Worship the Same God?”
[Editor’s note: Dr. Olson’s position that he would not worship God if he were as Calvinist doctrine depicts him is not representative of all Arminians or a question on which SEA itself has a formal…
Craig L. Adams, “Calvinism and John 6:44”
An email and my response: Hello Mr. Adams, I read with interest your comments on Calvin’s comments on John 3:16 on your web site. I was wondering what your thoughts are on Jesus’ words as…
Predestined to Eternally Suffer? An Interview with Philosopher Jerry Walls
Please click on the link to view Predestined to Eternally Suffer? An Interview with Philosopher Jerry Walls. [Please note that while Jerry Walls believes in the possibility of post mortem salvation, that is not a…
Does Ezekiel 36:26 Support Calvinism?
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26 Calvinists interpret…
Musings on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant and its Relation to the Atonement
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant is recorded in Matthew 18:23-35. Here it is in full (NIV): “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As…
Ron F. Hale, “Calvin’s ‘Temporary Faith’ for the Reprobate”
Please click on the link to view Ron F. Hale, “Calvin’s ‘Temporary Faith’ for the Reprobate”.
Zack Hunt, “Dear John (An Open Letter To John Calvin)”
Please click on the link to view Zack Hunt, “Dear John (An Open Letter To John Calvin)”. Some of the author’s comments in criticism of Calvin may be worded more strongly than we would tend to…
Shane Blackshear Interview of Roger Olson
Shane Blackshear’s interview with Arminian theologian Roger Olson can be found here.
The Troubling Trends in America’s “Calvinist Revival”
Please click on the link to view The Troubling Trends in America’s “Calvinist Revival”.
Austin Fischer’s Response to Kevin DeYoung’s Review of Fischer’s Book Young, Restless and No Longer Reformed
My Review of Kevin’s Review Here’s my review of what I thought, generally speaking, was a fair review of my book by Kevin DeYoung. I’ll focus in on a few key critiques and offer some…
Craig L. Adams, “Proof I Could Never Be a Calvinist”
In this passage John Calvin says that God sends people to Hell for no other reason than that God wishes to do so: “Many professing a desire to defend the Deity from an invidious charge admit the…
Helpful Conversation between Austin Fischer and an Interlocutor
In the comments on Austin Fischer’s reply to John Piper’s criticism of his book,Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed, a Calvinist named Clayton Hutchins got into a discussion with Fischer that is helpful for laying out…
Ronnie Rogers, “Do the ‘Doctrines of Grace’ Affect Evangelism”
Please click on the link to view Ronnie Rogers, “‘Do the ‘Doctrines of Grace’ Affect Evangelism?“. A key point made by the article: “The fact is, the doctrine of regeneration preceding faith dictates that the gospel—good…
Dr. Jerry Walls, “Clive (C.S.) Lewis and the Pious Calvinist Confusions of John Piper”
Dr. Jerry Walls speaks about John Piper’s recent book, Does God Desire All to Be Saved?. From the video’s YouTube page: Dr. Jerry Walls gives his critique of Calvinism, and more specifically, John Piper’s written…
“Author Says Calvinism Can’t Make Sense of the Cross:” Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book *Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed*
Please click on the link to view the Jonathan Merritt/Religion News Service Interview with Austin Fischer about His Book Young, Restless, and No Longer Reformed.
Shane Blackshear Interview of Austin Fischer about His Book *Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed*
Shane Blackshear’s interview with Austin Fischer about Fischer’s book, Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey In and Out of Calvinism, may be found here.
John Frye, Review of *Young, Restless and No Longer Reformed*
[The following review appeared on Scot McKnight’s blog “Jesus Creed” in 2 parts: Part 1 and Part 2.] Young, Restless, and no longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey in and out of Calvinism caught…
A Remonstration from David Ponter against the Terminology of 4 Point Calvinist/Calvinism
We posted an article earlier today by David Ponter, whom we would identify as a 4 point Calvinist. But David contacted us with concerns about that terminology. While we are not ready to abandon the…