From the video’s YouTube page, which may be accessed here: Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley, August 1, 2009. Calvinist, James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries debates ex-Calvinist Arminians, Roger and Faith Forster of ICHTHUS Christian…
Brian Abasciano, “Addressing the Calvinist Challenge, ‘Why Did You Believe and Your Neighbor Did Not?'”
For many Calvinists, the best argument for Calvinism and against Arminianism may be implicitly conveyed by questions like, “What is the difference between the one who believes in Christ and the one who rejects Christ?…
Shane Scott, “Calvinism and the Two ‘Wills’ of God”
Those who hold to the Calvinistic concept of predestination believe that God predetermined everything that would happen before the foundation of the world in an eternal and unconditional decree. The Westminster Confession of Faith outlines…
Romans 9-11: Structure and summary
This is part of a series of posts on Romans. The main focus of this series will be chapters 9-11 of the letter. These chapters, particularly chapter 9, have been interpreted in various different ways.…
A Revamped Response to a Revamped Post That Was Terrible
So I was looking through Alpha and Omega ministries looking for a concise presentation of Dr. White’s view of Romans 9, for reference purposes, when I came across a primer in their blog roll. Now,…
7 Quotes About “Free Will” That Arminians Agree With (this may surprise you!)
The doctrine of Total Depravity is a doctrine that is not only Biblical, but has also been embraced by both Calvinists and Arminians throughout church history. And, likewise, the heresy of Pelagianism is not only…
John Wesley, Contemporary Wesleyanism and the Reformed Tradition
INTRODUCTION Wesleyans are often surprised to discover how Reformed John Wesley is in his understanding of original sin and salvation. Conversely, many Calvinists are forced to re-evaluate their simplistic caricatures of Wesley as they examine…
Bullets and Determinism
A Calvinist, attempting to explain an origin for sin that leaves God blameless, linked me John Piper’s “Where Did Satan’s First Desire For Evil Come From?“…a promising title, to be sure, since that’s a question Arminians…
Calvinist Charles Leiter on Love & Unity Among Calvinists and Arminians
In this video, Calvinist Charles Leiter answers a question about love and unity among Calvinists and Arminians. At one point, Leiter seems to indicate that consistent Arminianism would be un-Christian in its being lived out.…
A. W. Tozer Sermon: Calvinism & Divine Sovereignty
From the sermon’s YouTube page, which can be accessed here: A. W. Tozer preaches a powerful sermon on the sovereignty of God and the false doctrine of Calvinism. Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897 – 1963) was…
The Teleological Argument for the Existence of Libertarian Free Will
All footnote links lead to original post Is Libertarian Free Will Cogent? Preliminaries One of the arguments that Calvinists argue is that the very notion of Libertarian Free Will (LFW) is incoherent. “It simply doesn’t make…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 10”
BEN: How would you distinguish the Calvinist notion of God’s providence from the Arminian one? It is interesting to me that if one reads Wesley’s Journal, one finds the phrase ‘a singular providence of God’…
Arminianism Vs. Decisionism
Calvinism and Classical Arminianism are not opposite theological views (link). In fact, I like to say that they are theological first cousins, both residing under the “Reformed” umbrella. While there are certainly differences, both systems of…
Steve Sewell, “Commentary on Romans 11”
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. Introduction Romans 11 is one of the most important chapters in the New Testament regarding the doctrine of election, Israel and…
Sin, Reprobation and Foreknowledge: The Calvinists Attempt to Have Their Cake And Eat it Too
The doctrine of the unconditional election of a part, necessarily implies the unconditional reprobation of the rest. I know some who hold to the former, seem to deny the latter; for they represent God as…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 8”
BEN: On p. 89 you talk about the idea of nominalistic voluntarism, which is to say the idea that God is free to do anything he chooses to do, without being constrained or limited by…
Jerry Walls: Calvinism & The God Of Love
Dr. Jerry Walls speaks about logical argument which exposes Calvinism’s inherit contradiction regarding God’s loving nature. From the video’s YouTube page: “Published on Nov 14, 2016 In this edition of the Evangel University Guest Lecture…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 7”
BEN: I take it as given that you have established both that there are some strong incompatibilities between Calvinism and Arminianism, but at the same time there are some strong agreements between the two theological…
Augustine’s Evolving Views on God’s Sovereignty (Part 2)
We have been examining Augustine’s changing views on faith, free will, and God’s sovereignty. His original views on these topics evolved from a synergistic model (where God and man cooperate in coming to faith) to…
Ben Witherington and Roger Olson, “Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology – Part 6”
BEN: At one point you say (p. 70) “Scripture alone cannot prove one side right and other side wrong”. I think I must disagree. Scripture is consistent on these issues precisely because it reflects the…