I’m not special. I didn’t get a special grace to believe in Christ which others were denied. Instead, I have to come to the Cross to receive God’s grace, just like every other regular person.…

I’m not special. I didn’t get a special grace to believe in Christ which others were denied. Instead, I have to come to the Cross to receive God’s grace, just like every other regular person.…
Please click on the link to view Nicholas S. Noyola, “Faith Without Applause: Navigating the Praiseworthiness Puzzle,” Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía; VII(2) (agosto-diciembre 2024), 84-96. Author’s abstract: This paper addresses the praiseworthiness dilemma posed by…
Do non-Calvinists believe that they have a hand in their own salvation? Calvinists sure think so. Is believing in Jesus something smart, wise and good? Calvinists believe that since it is, and since fallen is…
Here is the question as originally posed along with a break down interaction below: Full Question: “So, let me reason this way, If prevenient grace is given to everyone, and my neighbors resist it, so they…
Calvinism teaches that if you freely chose to believe in Christ, while others did not, then you’d have something to boast about before God. In other words, you could claim to be better and smarter…
“Salvation is from our side a choice; from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our accepting and willing are reactions rather than actions.” -A.W.…
Soteriology 101 is a traditionalist, rather than Arminian, organization. They produce excellent material regarding Calvinism, and this video is no exception to that. It does an excellent job of countering certain arguments against free-will theism…
On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. The following is a…
1 Corinthians 4:7, “For who maketh thee to differ from another?” The context shows that the apostle was here endeavoring to repress that ostentation which had arisen among many persons in the Church of Corinth,…
The following is a comment I made in response to a Calvinist appealing to 1 Cor. 4:7 to show that unless faith is an irresistible gift from God, it would give us reason to boast. Links to…
For many Calvinists, the best argument for Calvinism and against Arminianism may be implicitly conveyed by questions like, “What is the difference between the one who believes in Christ and the one who rejects Christ?…
This article came from JC_Freak: The Irish Protestant. The original post can be found here. Richard Bushey has produced another article about Arminianism, and I felt that as a friend I should give it…
I find it strange for a Christian to be drawn to Calvinism — an anomaly, really. I don’t believe that Calvinistic theology is in harmony with who we are as followers of Christ. Christians are…
Some Calvinists ask with perturbation, “Isn’t it so, that freely chosen faith and freely surrendered humility would be a source of pride in us?” The question is probably an indication of the sort of ironic self-absorption we…
Related Fallacies: Equivocation Category Mistake “[Arminianism] denies sola fide (faith alone) by changing the character of faith so that it is basically a work.” (Rev. Richard Phillips [Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals], Is Arminianism a Biblical…
Related fallacies: Pettifoggery Category Mistake A charge typically leveled by Calvinists is that Christians who don’t believe in irresistible grace would have some reason to boast in their faith. John Hendryx concisely expresses this fallacious…
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave…
Please click on the link to view John Piper, “Is Faith Meritorious?” A John Piper article on the Society of Evangelical Arminians website? Yes indeed, for in addressing the question, “Is faith meritorious?” he gives an Arminian…
My Review of Kevin’s Review Here’s my review of what I thought, generally speaking, was a fair review of my book by Kevin DeYoung. I’ll focus in on a few key critiques and offer some…
Here are some edited comments by one of our members posted in our private discussion group concerning the Calvinist claim that the Arminian view of faith makes faith a work created by man: When they…