In this final post, I’ll look at the most important reason for believing any theology: why I think Arminianism is what the Scripture teaches. One thing that you may notice though is that I am…

In this final post, I’ll look at the most important reason for believing any theology: why I think Arminianism is what the Scripture teaches. One thing that you may notice though is that I am…
SEA member Steve Sewell wrote a short provocative article on the connection between the atonement and Christ’s healing ministry. Here is a short snippet: Everything Jesus did had a purpose. There is no question that…
Atonement for All (the A in FACTS) [Cf. Article 2 of the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance] As observed above, due to total depravity, no one can be saved unless God takes the initiative. The good news…
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you…
The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Arminian Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace By Brian Abasciano (For a pdf file of the present article, see here.) The distinctive tenets of Arminian theology may…
Calvinists often site Hebrews 10:14 as teaching limited/definitive atonement. Specifically, the perfect tense of “has perfected” indicates our perfecting took place in the past – it’s settled and done with, though it has lasting results…
One of the clearest passages in scripture teaching Christ came to save each and every person is John 12:46-48: I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not…
The message was delivered at New Life Church in Renton, Washington. There is some introductory material at the beginning of the video. An introduction to Dr. Kowalski begins around 3:54 and the message starts at…
Is the Atonement Sufficient For All? This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle Arminianism affirms that the atonement of Christ was so glorious and powerful that it is sufficient for all to be…
H. Orton Wiley on the Universal Scope of the Atonement
provided by SEA member Roy Ingle
The following is taken from Dr. H. Orton Wiley’s book Introduction to Christian Theology (pp. 234-235):
The atonement is universal. This does not mean that all mankind will be unconditionally saved, but that the sacrifice offering of Christ so far satisfied the claims of the divine law as to make salvation a possibility for all. Redemption is therefore universal or general in the provisional sense, but special or conditional in its application to the individual.
N. T. Wright is actually a Calvinist, but his emphases on understanding the full breadth of atonement theory and priority of the gospels in understanding the cross are excellent correctives in regards to much of…
Romans 5:15
This post was written by SEA member, Roy Ingle
But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. Romans 5:15
1 Timothy 4:10 is translated similarly by virtually every major English translation in speaking of God as “the Savior of all men, especially believers,” making the verse a strong proof text for unlimited atonement and…
This is the fourth video in a fantastic series of lectures by Dr. Keith Stanglin and Dr. Thomas McCall on who Jacob Arminius was, and what he believed. McCall and Stranglin wrote the book Jacob…
Click on the link: “For Whose Sins Did Jesus Die?”: A Summary of Dr. Jerry Vines’ 2013 John 3:16 Conference Message
The following comments (slightly edited) are taken from a SEA member while discussing the subject of the problem with the Calvinist “two wills” view and the suggestion that the Arminian position must likewise adopt essentially…
The following incisive comments (slightly edited for posting here) were originally made by one of our members in our private discussion group: How can we preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15) if Christ…
Albert Barnes (1798-1870), who was a graduate of Princeton Seminary and a long-time Presbyterian pastor (in New Jersey and then Philadelphia), is well known for his Notes: Explanatory and Practical, which covers the entire New…
This video addresses the problem of evil in a clear, helpful, and succinct way. (See below for a caution.) It can also be viewed on YouTube here. At one point, this piece refers to the…
Please click on the attachment to view Douglas W. Kennard, “Petrine Redemption: Its Meaning and Extent”, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 30/4 (December 1987) 399-405. Kennard. Petrine Redemption_0