In Keith Schooley’s Article: Romans 9: An Arminian/New Perspective Reading, he skillfully uses the OT to explain Romans 9. Paul refutes “those Jews who would say that, if Paul’s gospel were correct, then “God’s word…
Daniel Whitby, Discourses on the 5 Points
Warning: Whitby slighted the doctrine of original sin. But besides that, he had the loudest voice against Calvinism in his day. His classic work from 1735, which provides detailed scriptural explanations of large numbers of…
Frederick Calder, *Memoirs of Simon Episcopius*
Records some of the history around the Synod of Dort and the Remonstrants. (link)
John Goodwin, *Christian Theology*
Early English Arminian John Goodwin (1594 – 1665) wrote a brief systematic theology (about 450 pages). (link)
Daniel D. Whedon, *The Freedom of the Will as a Basis of Human Responsibility and a Divine Government*
Wesleyan-Armininan Daniel Denison Whedon’s response to Jonathan Edwards’ The Freedom of the Will is wonderful; both complete and acurate. (link) [This links to the original book available for free viewing or download.] The book has…
Essays on Predestination by John Plaifere, Christopher Potter, Laurence Womock, Thomas Goad, and Louis Chéron
Plaifere & Goad take a Middle Knowledge approach to predestination. Christopher Potter defends his sermons on prevenient grace and coversion. Laurence Womock (or Womack) defends Daniel Tinelus, a critic of the Synod of Dort and…
Edward Bird on The Horrible Decree of Unconditional Election
Great example of early Engish Arminianism (1726). Bird explains total depravity, prevenient grace, unlimited atonement, conditional decrees, predestination and perserveriance as he examines some of the problems in Calvinism. He has mild appeals to middle…
Richard Watson, *Theological Institutes*
Richard Watson’s Theological Institutes (1857) is perhaps the best example of early Wesleyan/Arminianism Systematic Theology. (link)
The post written by one of the irenic hosts of Parchment and Pen, C. Michael Patton, explained why he rejects the tenets of Arminianism, which is primarily due to the Arminians’ view of Prevenient Grace.…
Daniel D. Whedon, *Commentary on the New Testament, Volume 5: Titus-Revelation*
Wesleyan/Arminain Daniel Denison Whedon’s commentary on the New Testament books of Titus through Revelation 1880 (link)
Born Jacobus Harmenszoon (ca. 1559-1609),[1] James Arminius’s name has been associated with Socinianism, Pelagian- and semi-Pelagianism, Unitarianism, Roman Catholicism, and most notably with the doctrine of conditional perseverance. As a matter of fact, for better…
Thomas N. Ralston, *Elements of Divinity*
Wesleyan/Arminian Professor Thomas N. Ralston’s course lectures (1851) (link)
John McClintock, *Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature*
Great resource with lots of material on the Calvinism/Arminian debate by Wesleyan/Arminian John McClintock. (link)
Robert Hamilton, “Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory?”
Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory? One charge often heard against Arminianism is that by allowing for human agency to play a significant role in the process of salvation, Arminians decrease the scope of God’s agency…
Friday Files: Wesley’s Predestination Calmly Considered
John Wesley had the rare gift of bringing the Calvinist/Arminian debate from the head to the heart. In Predestination Calmly Considered, Wesley first examines the idea of upholding unconditional election while rejecting reprobation and then…
C.S. Lewis: Calvinist or Classical Arminian?
Please click on the link to view Zach Dawes, “C. S. Lewis: Calvinist or Classical Arminian?” In this essay, Rev. Zach Dawes argues that the theology of C.S. Lewis was essentially Arminian. Dawes also maintains a blog,…
I have heard many attempt to say that they are searching for a middle ground between Arminianism and Calvinism. The impetus of this is peace. They see the issue as too divisive, and they believe that by finding a middle ground, they can end the need for conflict.
Though I highly respect the sentiment, ultimately such a project will fail. There can be no middle ground between Calvinism and Arminianism. Why?
What Does God “Fore-love” According to Calvinism?
Many Arminians see God’s election of individuals as based on God’s foreknowledge of faith. They see that primary election passages make reference to foreknowledge and even suggest that election is based on foreknowledge. They also…
A Calvinist Perspective on “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
[Note: the following is satire and not meant to be taken too seriously] “Jesus loves the little children… All the children of the world… Red and yellow, black and white… They are precious in His…
Friday Files: Wesley’s What is an Arminian?
John Wesley’s article “The Question, “What Is an Arminian?” Answered by a Lover of Free Grace” is an Arminian classic. True to form, Wesley’s humor is delightful, his theology is educational and his preaching stings the conscience and chides us to improve. Wesley explains what Arminianism is not, gives a brief history of Arminius, explains a bit about Arminian theology and then calls both his Calvinist and Arminian readers to cease and desist with the name calling.