
Roger Olson, “Is Arminianism ‘Reformed?'”

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A minor controversy exists among Arminian scholars (and some non-Arminian Reformed scholars have chimed in) about whether classical Arminianism can legitimately lay claim to being part of the Reformed theological tradition. The question is this:…

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Does God Lament?

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Recently I watched this video by a Calvinist who clearly isn’t the sort to engage in intellectual discourse. In order to show the incomprehensibility of Arminianism, he performs a scene which he believes typifies God’s…

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Playing With Dolls (Reposted)

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In honor of Valentine’s Day, here is an old article about God’s love for us.  A question that I was recently considering was whether or not God could truly love us if we did not…

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Arminius on the use of the moral law

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This information is provided by SEA member, Roy Ingle IV. The uses of the moral law are various, according to the different conditions of man. (1.) The primary use, and that which was of itself…

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