1. The end of theology is the blessedness of man; and that, not animal or natural, but spiritual and supernatural. 2. It consists in fruition, the object of which is a perfect, chief, and sufficient…
Arminian Heritage
Arminius – Nine Theological Questions
THE NINE QUESTIONS: NINE OPPOSITE QUESTIONS 1. Which is first, Election, or Faith Truly Foreseen, so that God elected his people according to faith foreseen? 1. Is the decree “for bestowing Faith on any one,”…
“The Horrible Decree” by Charles Wesley
Charles Wesley wrote approximately 9000 hymns and “holy” poems. Even though many of his polemics are in his songs, many Calvinists (and Arminians) sing Wesley’s hymns. One of Wesley’s strongest anti-calvinist hymns is “The Horrible…
Roy Ingle, “Arminius on Water Baptism”
The following is taken from The Works of Arminius on baptism. Arminius held to baptism by sprinking and he also practiced and taught infant baptism as can be seen from this article. This is one area of…
John Wesley’s Revision of the Westminster Shorter Catechism
Please click on the link to view James Alex. Macdonald, Wesley’s Revision of the Shorter Catechism with Notes (Edinburgh: George A. Morton, 1906). The full title is Wesley’s Revision of The Shorter Catechism Agreed Upon by the…
Book Review: Jacob Arminius: The Man from Oudewater by Rustin E. Brian
Click on the link to read Dr David T. Fry’s review of Jacob Arminius: The Man from Oudewater (Cascade, 2015) by Rustin E. Brian, published in Themelios, Volume 41, Issue 2.
Arminianism, Calvinism, and Their Influence Upon John Wesley
Jacob Arminius (1559 – 1609) was a Dutch pastor and scholar who spent most of his career as a pastor in Amsterdam. He served as professor of theology at the University of Leiden for about…
What Does it Mean to Be Wesleyan?
When Jesus was asked what was God’s most important requirement of us, He said that it was to love God with one’s whole being. He added that loving other people in the same way as…
Assemblies of God Response to Reformed Theology [Position Paper]
Click on the link to read “An Assemblies of God Response to Reformed Theology“, a position paper adopted by the General Presbytery in Session August 1 & 3, 2015. Assemblies of God is one of the…
Phineas F Bresee: Founder of the Church of the Nazarene (film)
The film “Phineas Bresee: Pastor to the People highlights the life of the founder of the Church of the Nazarene and allows us to engage with the core principles that were part of the origins…
Introducing the FWS Podcast
If you cannot see the player above follow this link: Introduction Episode Welcome to the FWS Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to the spread of Biblical Wesleyan theology. FWS Podcast is a ministry of the Fundamental…
Thomas Edward Dow, “The Evangelical Ecumenism of James Arminius”
This is the author’s doctoral dissertation completed for the University of Waterloo in 1980. The author’s abstract is included below. To access the dissertation, please click on the link: Thomas Edward Dow, “The Evangelical Ecumenism of James…
John Wesley: 12 Rules for Leaders
Wesley enlisted helpers for the Methodist movement. These were lay preachers who helped the movement grow. Here are his “Rules of an Assistant” that were to be followed by these lay preachers. What would happen…
A Short Animation About the Life of John Wesley
This video can also be accessed on YouTube through this link.
Richard R. Studebaker, “The Theology of James Arminius”
Please click on the link to view Richard R. Studebaker, “The Theology of James Arminius,” Reflections 4 (1996) 4-17.
Matthew Pinson, “Why Arminians Should Celebrate Reformation 500”
Please click on the link to view Matthew Pinson, “Why Arminians Should Celebrate Reformation 500”.
“Arminianism Is Grace-centered Christian Theology” by Roger Olson
“Arminianism Is Grace-centered Christian Theology” Roger E. Olson The Martin McCullough Lecture First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro, Tennessee September 10, 2017 The first Baptists, led by English Independent, Separatist, Congregationalist pastors John Smyth and Thomas…
Richard E. Clark, “An Arminian’s Review of *Anyone Can Be Saved*”
From General/Arminian to Particular/Calvinist, Baptists have struggled to locate themselves along the theological spectrum. Some have unsuccessfully tried to avoid the debate, labeling themselves Calminians.[1] Others, however, have attempted to escape the paradigm altogether and articulate…
Jesse Owens, “Arminius and the Doctrine of Prevenient Grace”
In his recent essay, Jackson Watts reminds us that Arminius wholly affirmed the human will’s complete depravity and perversity after the Fall. The Magisterial Reformers were not alone in affirming this. Arminius too held to the…
The Awakening of the Free Will Baptists A Book Review by J. Matthew Pinson
The Awakening of the Free Will Baptists A Book Review by J. Matthew Pinson The Awakening of the Freewill Baptists: Benjamin Randall and the Founding of an American Religious Tradition. By Scott Bryant. Macon,…