On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…

On his website, Arminian Perspectives, Ben Henshaw has a questions page at which he answers questions about Arminianism and Calvinism that visitors to his site pose in the comment section of the page. Here is a question…
Does God have contradicting wills? Hamilton presents an Arminian perspective on the “two wills of God”. He argues that this is a question that presents problems for both Calvinism and Arminianism. Click on the link…
Mr. Hamilton discusses whether a believer can accidentally commit the unpardonable sin. “In Matthew chapter twelve Jesus gave one of his most unusual and most misunderstood teachings, concerning what is commonly referred to as the…
Mr. Hamilton discusses the necessity of Perseverance. “There are many churches in the United States that, like the imaginary health clinic in the scenario above, are unwittingly administering “sugar-water” immunizations to their members. These churches…
Here is a list of articles available on our site that were written by Robert Hamilton. Hamilton has written a number of essays on topics of interest to Arminians. He does an excellent job presenting…
Please click on the attachment to view Robert Hamilton’s “Election in Romans Chapter Nine”: Hamilton. Election in Romans Chapter Nine
Robert Hamilton takes a critical look at the King James only view of scripture. Click here to view article PDF: A Linguist Looks at King James
Hamilton addresses works salvation, faith, and repentance. Click on pdf to view article. Can You Do Anything to Gain God’s Acceptance
Robert Hamilton addresses the topic of assurance. What is assurance? How can we gain assurance? What are obstacles to assurance? Click on the attachment to view the article. Assurance-How Can I know that I am…
Robert Hamilton addresses, how good must you be to be acceptable to God? Click on the attachment to view the PDF file: How Good Must You Be
Robert Hamilton gives an explanation of substitutionary atonement. Click on attachment to view pdf: Why Did Jesus Die
An essay on the topic of Arminianism and assurance. Hamilton compares “Biblically-defensible Arminian theology”, that salvation is conditioned solely on faith in Christ, and the distortion of Arminian theology where salvation is based on the…
In this essay Robert Hamilton argues that deliberate sin erodes faith by gradually hardening one’s heart. Click on the attachment: Deliberate Sin Erodes Faith
An essay by Robert Hamilton on grace, assurance and sanctification. “How can a Christian have any reasonable assurance that he will in fact persevere in the faith, not to mention experience consistent victory over deliberate…
You may view this article as a web page or as a downloadable .pdf file in it’s original formatting. To view it as a .pdf file, please click on the attachment located at the bottom of this page.
Thoughts on Original Sin
Bob Hamilton, Copyright 2000
The traditional view of “original sin” includes two related ideas:
Robert Hamilton makes a very good case that passages such as John 10:26 ‘you do not believe, because you are not my sheep’ refers primarily to the faithful sons of Abraham who were God’s children…
I am shocked at how easily, even in my most rational moments, I can sometimes walk willingly into sin. Even when I know a dozen good reasons why I shouldn’t do it, I can be…
Robert Hamilton’s commentary on Romans 9 generally fits under the category of “election of Nations”, but it contains several unique features worth mentioning. Hamilton considers God’s election of Israel as a form of particular prevenient…
Does Arminianism Diminish God’s Glory? One charge often heard against Arminianism is that by allowing for human agency to play a significant role in the process of salvation, Arminians decrease the scope of God’s agency…
This article discusses some aspects of imputed righteousness. Please click the link to view the full article: Robert Hamilton, “Thoughts on Imputed Righteousnes.”