In this episode, Dr. Vic Reasoner will begin to discuss the Doctrine of the Church. Alternative Link: The Church (Part 1)

In this episode, Dr. Vic Reasoner will begin to discuss the Doctrine of the Church. Alternative Link: The Church (Part 1)
In earlier blog posts, I discussed the resurgence of “New Calvinism” in evangelicalism and described some of its main tenets and implications. In this long-delayed continuation of the series, I want to raise the issue of…
Throughout the years of this blog (and before and outside of it) I have wrestled with people objecting most strenuously to my contention that true, historical, consistent Calvinism undermines the goodness of God. If God foreordains…
It’s the St. Victorinus’s Day edition of the Friday Files: Every week we look back at previously-posted stuff in the SEA archives. That’s right, we; all nine of us who are such theology nerds, we…
All Saints Day, which is tomorrow, is an important yet seemingly forgotten holiday among evangelical Christians. Now this is my personal opinion. While I am writing this for SEA, I am not writing this as…
The debate over the sovereignty of God often takes a strange turn whenever you begin to discuss the issue as it concerns the fall of humanity into sin. No one in the entire Christian world…
Tonight I was watching several videos on of street preachers and a little of “The Way of the Master” program with Paul Washer on evangelism. I also browsed several books at Amazon on evangelism. There are…
It’s the St. Cedd’s Day edition of the Friday Files: Your sneak review of the articles and links SEA had coming for you in the weeks behind. (Yeah, that line doesn’t sound so exciting after…
In these episodes, Dr. Vic Reasoner will discuss the doctrine of Sanctification. Alternative Link: Sanctification Part 1 Alternative Link: Sanctification Part 2
Please click on the link to read an excerpt from Dr. Ben Witherington’s introduction to the newly published Classics edition of Richard Watson’s Theological Institutes: “The Great Legacy of Richard Watson’s Theological Institutes”
I’m a theology nerd. Most of the Christians I interact with, aren’t. So sometimes I have to explain to people what I mean by “Arminians” and “Calvinists.” I tend to do it thisaway. It’s very…
It’s the St. Ptolemaeus and St. Lucius Day edition of the Friday Files, where every week we get some articles and links out of the SEA archives, and remind you it’s still good stuff. The…
Please click on the link to read Ben Witherington, “Richard Watson’s Institutes– The Arminian Antidote“, from the author’s blog, The Bible & Culture. Richard Watson’s Institutes– The Arminian Antidote
Please click on the link to read an excursus found in Dr Ben Witherington’s Hebrew commentary in Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians (IVP): “The Exegetical Arm-Wrestling of Protestants Over Heb. 6.1-6—A ‘Taste’ of the…
Please click on the link to read Ben Witherington, “Apostasy— a Christian Problem“, from the author’s blog, The Bible & Culture. Apostasy— a Christian Problem
Please click on the link to read Timothy Tennent, “Prevenient Grace: Why I am a Methodist and an Evangelical”, from the author’s blog, originally published July, 2011. Prevenient Grace: Why I am a Methodist and an…
It’s the St. Fiacc’s Day edition of the Friday Files, our weekly peek into the rabbit hole of the SEA archives. Any summaries and views expressed belong to their respective authors; not necessarily SEA as…
Editor’s Note: Mako Nagasawa does not formally identify as Arminian, but his essay is a good representation of the narrative understanding of election shared by many Arminians. Romans 9 – 11 is sometimes taken as…
Please click on the link to read Roger E. Olson, “An Arminian Account of Free Will“, from the Catalyst Resources website, originally published April, 2012.